The Geeked Podcast

The Umbrella Academy 3: Rumor Has It...

Episode Summary

We heard a rumor that Princess and Tessa are gonna talk about The Umbrella Academy season 3…and they DO!! Join our hosts as they take a ride to an alternate timeline and deep dive into all of their Season 3 thoughts.

Episode Notes

We heard a rumor that Princess and Tessa are gonna talk about The Umbrella Academy season 3…and they DO!! Join our hosts as they take a ride to an alternate timeline and deep dive into all of their Season 3 thoughts.

Also, you get to hear Allison Hargreeves herself, Emmy Raver-Lampan, talk about how she got into her role this season, the trauma and hard choices her character makes, and her geeky interest in all things DIY.

Episode Transcription

CLIP: [00:00:01] Geeked. 

PRINCESS: [00:00:04] Hello, geeks. I'm Princess Weekes. 

TESSA: [00:00:07] And I am Tessa Netting. 

PRINCESS: [00:00:08] And you are listening to the Geeked Podcast, your weekly energy boost of the worlds fandoms and stories you love. 

TESSA: [00:00:17] Each week we're going to skim the surface of what's popular in geek culture. Then Deep dive into the lore of Netflix worlds bigger than our own. 

PRINCESS: [00:00:25] Today's world is the world of time, travel and superhumans and children with lots and lots of daddy issues. Umbrella Academy. Season three. 

TESSA: [00:00:36] Season three, woo! Honestly, I think this is my favorite season yet. It is so good. 

PRINCESS: [00:00:48] So good. Agreed. 1,000% as always. Well, not always. Always, but right now. Absolutely. And also, I am so pumped for you to hear my interview with Alison. I-heard-a-rumor Hargreeves herself. I've missed number three Emmy Raver-Lampman. She's so amazed that we get into the nitty gritty of what it means to right now be in her villain bag. Because spoiler alerts Alison goes dark this season and it's fantastic. 

TESSA: [00:01:13] It's a lot very intense. But First Princess, what's got you geeked this week? 

PRINCESS: [00:01:21] Well, in slightly geeky news, I got to go to VidCon, which was fun. I wasn't there as a featured creator or anything. I was just there as a tiny little creator bu- bee and it was a fun thing to get to see a bunch of my friends who work in that business and just reconnect with people. The con itself was a convention post COVID, so it's definitely dealing with some some pains. I would have loved to see more political stuff. Like it was all NFT's, which felt very weird considering. Yeah, I think they programed it before the NFT stuff happened. It would have been fun to just have had more different kinds of panels there, just different kinds of talent. It felt very skewed in like one direction or another, and I just would have been fun to have a little bit more variety. But I did enjoy going and I'm also really excited because Fire Emblem, Three Houses Warriers is out and I have been playing it. And even though that Warriors is, it's kind of weird for me because it's played differently, I'm loving it. I'm so happy to be with my babies again. And yeah, I'm just happy to be playing video games and to be home with my cat. 

TESSA: [00:02:34] Yay! 

PRINCESS: [00:02:35] Yay, cat. 

TESSA: [00:02:37] Cats and video games are the two best combinations. Like, it's just you can't go wrong. You can't go wrong with playing video games with a cat with, by your side. So for me, what's got me geeked this week is obviously Stranger Things is dropping tomorrow. Volume two. I am so excited. I cannot wait. It's like I just can't wait, because we've already seen it. So everyone else needs to catch up. Because I'm sick of keeping secrets and not telling anyone. Because I don't want to spoil anything. I don't want to say anything. I'm keeping the secrets, but I want everyone to know because I want to know everybody's thoughts. I want to see everybody's reactions. And so, yeah, I'm excited for that. And also Umbrella Academy is out and it's been cool seeing my friends that watch it like their reaction to the season. They, a lot of them really loved it and so we were correct. 

PRINCESS: [00:03:43] Yeah, it's been really fun seeing everyone finally catch up and get to to see it and take joy in it. I'm just really enjoying all of the chaos. Everyone is like freaking out over things. And I also just love seeing everyone be so supportive of Victor and Elliot and their journey. So it's just been a really fun thing to see people be so overwhelmingly like and inclusive and enthusiastic about those things. And like, I know everyone's happy Alison got to be the superior Black Widow storyline. I know I am. So I'm just really. Yeah. I'm loving Umbrella Academy this season. I think it's my favorite thus far. 

TESSA: [00:04:26] Oh, definitely same. I love it so much. And I, I really have been enjoying everyone's reactions. And if you want some more Umbrella Academy if you've already watched it. Umbrella Academy Unlocked. Unlocked is right is available right now on YouTube. It's like the official Geeked aftershow. Felicia Day is hosting it. I would check it out. I watched a part of it. I haven't finished it yet, but I really liked when they were talking about filming the Footloose dance scene and they were talking about the choreography and everything because that was such a great moment. So it was. I loved hearing them talk about it. 

PRINCESS: [00:05:04] Yeah. When I got to interview the actress who plays Allison, she talked about how difficult, like fun but difficult that was like just the idea of having to, like, zoom, rehearse something that intricate. I'm like, Oh yeah, I'm like all the Emmys, all the things, yeah, our interview with her is really great and it gets into that, that part of it as well. But yeah, it's, it's really cool seeing all these little nuggets of information come out. 

TESSA: [00:05:31] We love nuggets. 

PRINCESS: [00:05:32] Love a nug! That's what got us geeked. I apologize for my voice. The other thing about VidCon is that you're talking very loudly as hot, sick beats play. So that's why I have this very seductive voice tenor right now. 

TESSA: [00:05:48] You are good. I have COVID, so you win. 

PRINCESS: [00:05:56] Okay, so we all know that the Music and Umbrella Academy is, like, iconic, amazing, perfect. So we're going to play a little musical, get-to-know You and Me that we call Soundtracked for Your Life. Trademark Incorporated. What songs are playing in your biggest TV moments is what I'm going to ask my lovely cohost Tessa, because I'm sure she's probably got some very hot lesbian picks. 

TESSA: [00:06:21] Lesbian picks? We'll see. We'll see. Let's. Let's go. Let's do it. 

PRINCESS: [00:06:26] All right. What song would you play as you fight off Swedish spies? 

TESSA: [00:06:31] All right. So the first song that I could think of was actually He's a Pirate from Pirates of the Caribbean. Because this is actually the they talk about like having like a birth song, like a birth soundtrack. So it's like when you're giving birth, like, what songs would you want to play? Literally, I want this song on repeat until my child is born. I want an epic birth. And it's like it makes sense because, like, the child is like sailing through you. Anyway. But so it was one of those things where it's like, I love that song. Sometimes Joe and I play it, like New Year's Eve. And so now I was, like, fighting Swedish spies. Like, duhn duhn duh duh duhn duhn, like you can have some cool like swords you could do thing it's like epic. That's it. So that. That's my sort of thought. What about you, Princess? 

PRINCESS: [00:07:15] I'm going to have to, unfortunately, call another IP and say, Do You Want to Taste That by Wigwam. Because ever since Peacemaker came out, that song lives rent free in my brand. I can just see myself fighting. And go like, Do you really want to do you really want to taste that - and and and they are Norwegian glam metal band so I think that's perfect Swede fighting music. 

TESSA: [00:07:39] Oh, interesting. I like how you brought in the Swedish aspect. Incredible. Okay, next song. What is your ultimate comfort like alone in your room vibey song? 

PRINCESS: [00:07:49] Okay, I think if I'm sad, like, if I've just gone through a breakup, I will absolutely, like, put the covers over and just, like, sing everything from, like, early Evanescence, like. Hwo can you - Like, just like like Eelectra in Daredevil the movie, just like out there, just like fighting sheets and sandbags, listening to Evanescence. And if I'm, like, going through a breakup, then I will definitely listen to Unbreak, Unbreak My Heart by Toni Braxton until like I dry heave into a fount of emotions. What about, what about you? 

TESSA: [00:08:25] The first song that came to my mind as like alone in my room song, if I'm sad or happy is Dancing Queen from ABBA. Like, just amazing. I've definitely been in moments before where I'm like, crying, sobbing my eyes out and I put that song on like, You can dance, you can jive. Yeah, I just. It's a vibe. It helps you through the good times, the bad times, and it's a perfect, like, grab your hairbrush and sing type of song. So it's, it's one of my go tos when I'm cleaning my room for sure. 

PRINCESS: [00:08:59] What song or artists would you make your cult worship? 

TESSA: [00:09:04] I love how I have a cult. That's fun. Got to love a good cult. 

PRINCESS: [00:09:07]  You know. Why not? 

TESSA: [00:09:08] Yeah, like a good cult moment. Okay, this is really weird, but the first thing that comes into my brain is the song, have you seen Bo Burnham's special Inside? 

PRINCESS: [00:09:18] Inside? Oh, I have in on vinyl. 

TESSA: [00:09:19] Yes, yes. It's incredible. So the first. 

PRINCESS: [00:09:22] Is it white woman's Instagram. 

TESSA: [00:09:22] Well, that is a good one. What I thought of is what I already worship. I'm already in this cult is Jeffrey Bezos. I order from Amazon way too much. So I would just me and my cult would buy Amazon packages and saying like CEO entrepreneur. Born in 1964, Jeffrey, Jeffrey Bezos. 

PRINCESS: [00:09:45] Jeffrey Bezos. 

CLIP: [00:09:45] Come on Jeff, Get em! 

TESSA: [00:09:47] Forget it. Already in a cult. Hate it. That's my life. 

PRINCESS: [00:09:51] At least, you know, I think for me I would have to go with How Soon Is Now by The Smiths like I feel like that's definitely the song I want to like when I appear, I just want to be like I am this like just like in Charmed. I just want to be like just like The Craft. I just want to walk it and just feel like the vibes coming off of me. So definitely that would be like my cult theme song. And then finally, what is your go to karaoke song? Because this is very important. I'm going to guess in my head. I'm going to write down an answer. 

TESSA: [00:10:21] You're going to guess? I have so many. I'm such a karaoke bitch. 

PRINCESS: [00:10:23] I'm going to write down two things on my expert knowledge of you. 

TESSA: [00:10:32] So I'm going to tell you two. I'm going to tell you one that like is one of my go to karaoke songs and then one that's like a more recent addition. So my go to karaoke song is actually the Monster Mash. It is such a good and it's so funny because everyone's caught off guard and it's so bizarre and so strange, but you can just be like, Oh, I was working in the lab late one night, and then you go and then everyone else goes like he did the mash and everyone can like join in and it's like a creepy vibe and it's very bizarre and like it breaks. It's a good like interstitial between any karaoke vibe because sometimes like people are doing like way too intense and you need like a break or sometimes like people are doing too many slow songs. So this is a good just weird song in the middle that like makes no sense, but it can fit anywhere. And then another karaoke song that's one of my favorites at the moment is We Don't Talk about Bruno. 

PRINCESS: [00:11:27] No, no, no. 

TESSA: [00:11:29] But! This is how you have to do it. There's a specific way that you have to sing the song that Joe and I started and now we tell everyone. So after the so you sing it normally. And then to the point of the song where it goes seven foot frame, rats along his back. So right after that, the rest of the song is all about rats. So you just have to go. Rats, rats, rats, rats. Rats are rats. And then, like you, like the rest of it, you're like, we don't talk about rats, rats, rats. And you just keep bringing up the rats and it makes the songs so much more fun and bizarre and funny. So that's how you have to sing that song now. 

PRINCESS: [00:12:05] Done. I feel like there a cartoon parody of Cats that was called Rats, and they did that same thing where they were like, I think it might have been, Hey, Arnold of something. Like,. 

TESSA: [00:12:13] Oh, my God,. 

PRINCESS: [00:12:14] Rats, Rats, rats. I like. I'll look it up later. So my guess is my two cats is where the Monster High theme song. So it was monster related but then Jolene because I felt like that was a good karaoke song that people love. 

TESSA: [00:12:27] That's a good one. 

PRINCESS: [00:12:27] I was like monster related. 

TESSA: [00:12:29] Joe loves Jolene. That's like one of his faves. 

PRINCESS: [00:12:32] Joe has good taste. We've established that. 

TESSA: [00:12:34] He does. He really does. So what about you? I need to know. 

PRINCESS: [00:12:37] So Kidnap the Sandy Claws. I can do all I can do all three parts at once, of course. And then I honestly, I never liked Frozen, but I love Into The Unknown. Oh, it's so good. It's so queer. I love, like, Belting Idina Menzel. So I love those two songs. I love Disney karaoke. 

TESSA: [00:12:59] Oh, Disney karaoke. Rules. That is like the best. It is the best that you can do. Getting a group of people together, getting drunk and singing Disney songs, you can't do better. Like that's that's the best. 

PRINCESS: [00:13:10] It's perfect. 

TESSA: [00:13:11] It is. Love it. And y'all, we want to know what is your go to karaoke song? Because you can learn a lot about a person just knowing their favorite karaoke song. And also, I always love hearing other people's karaoke song because it gives me ideas for the next time I do karaoke. So let us know. Contact us at Netflix Geeked or just, you know, tweet us, message us, do it! We want to know. Thank you. 

TESSA: [00:13:38] Well, thank you so much, everyone, for taking that tour through our music Rolodex. And now we are going to move on to the amazing interview with everyone's favorite Umbrella Academy lady, Emmy Raver-Lampman. First of all, let me just say, huge fan of yours. And I think you're the star of this season. And that's not just me hyping you up, because I've always loved Alison and my big thing is like, I just want to see Alison embrace like that part of her that doesn't want to feed that darkness and just wants to just start effing shit up. And this season it was like, Alison really got to say, like, I'm tired and I'm tired of being tired. And I just want to know, like, what was it like returning to the character and returning to a version of her that was so ready to be like, Oh, I'm done playing nice with everyone? 

EMMY: [00:14:34] Yeah, it was it was honestly so fun and something that Steve Blackman and I talked about a ton coming from a different a bunch of different angles, but understanding that, you know, Alison was dropped into the sixties as a black woman in Dallas, Texas, and everything that she witnessed and experienced and lived through and survived, that's going to come with a certain amount of trauma to then just plop back into her, what was her timeline. And that, you know, those things aren't going to immediately go away and if ever and probably not ever. And so I think it was really important to not ignore the fact that she was going to have a lot of residual trauma, and then that was going to very much affect her day to day and her energy and her actions and her emotions and her mental state. On top of, you know, the whole reason that she agreed to go back with the family was to, like, find Claire. She chose to leave her husband to find her daughter. And then, you know, very quickly to realize that Claire doesn't exist. And now she also doesn't have Ray. 

PRINCESS: [00:15:36] Right? 

EMMY: [00:15:37] So, I mean, I can only imagine what that would do to someone. And, you know, the first two seasons, Alison, is very much like, you know, on board with Team Umbrella. And that's how she was raised. And she's, when somebody gets out of line, she's the one to kind of, you know, rally the family and rally the troops. And I think I really, really enjoyed playing the part of Alison that is not interested in that and is kind of over this family and over being the peacemaker and over being the one that's always putting family first when she is always the one that has to. She doesn't get the benefits of that as much as everybody else does. 

PRINCESS: [00:16:12] Absolutely. And I think there's this one scene where you're talking with Diego about that. And I thought it was interesting because this season you're a lot more with Victor and a lot more with Diego. And I thought it's so powerful that like, she comes out of this period of being super othered and the two siblings she's gravitating towards are two people who would also understand that othering, because we're finally seeing Alison be like, Oh, yeah, I've been in like a a primarily white space my entire life. And now I got to it felt like she got to reconnect with her blackness. 

EMMY: [00:16:41] Yes. 

PRINCESS: [00:16:42] As well through that whole process. 

EMMY: [00:16:43] Yes. Which was also extremely important to me. You know, also coming out of having to do press for season two, which was very much centered around the civil rights movement, which was, it came out in the middle of a massive Black Lives Matter movement and the murder of George Floyd and having to do a ton of press. And so, you know, I was coming off of this crazy high of the juxtaposition of the show coming out and Allison having that storyline in the time in real life that I, Emmy, and every black person in this country and in the world was was living through and experiencing. And so I think it was really important to to dive into that and address that. And and I think this season also, there's a lot of, we're dealing with a lot of really important issues and the Victor storyline being being a massive one. And that's really incredible. And to be a part of that and for Alison to be such a grounding, trusting safe space for Victor, I, Emmy, I am honored because Elliot is a really, really dear and close friend of mine and to, to watch him go through his process, but then also to be on camera with him and have Alison going through that with Victor, it just, it was, it was something I'll never forget. 

PRINCESS: [00:17:59] Well, we love Elliot on the podcast like we were, I was so happy of like my two favorite characters are doing things. And I. And I was like, I love the part, like, as a black girl that made me laugh the most is like, Oh, Alison has changed. She's wearing a bonnet to bed now. She is. 

EMMY: [00:18:12] Yes! Yup. Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. She's got her curlers in her silk wrap. She's ready to go. 

PRINCESS: [00:18:18] I was like it's different now. 

EMMY: [00:18:21] And that's you know, Araxi Lindsey who was HOD for our hair, her and I had many many conversations just about the the black hair journey for Alison in the show and and just making sure that that's also correct. And there's just there was a lot of mindfulness and a lot of conversations about Alison and her blackness and her journey in the show through with her blackness. And I also, you spoke earlier about the scene with Alison and Diego in the car. And I that's one of my favorite scenes. It was one of my favorite scenes to read. It was one of my favorite scenes to shoot because Alison and Diego barely interact. We have very few interactions together, and I just think David is an incredible actor and I was so excited to have this opportunity for, to be, you know, to people of color in the family, kind of sitting down and actually addressing some, like, real shit. 

PRINCESS: [00:19:10] Yeah. 

EMMY: [00:19:11] Yeah. 

PRINCESS: [00:19:12] And I think sometimes because, you know, conversations about representation can be so repetitive sometimes because it's like you're trying to live it as well as do it. And I think what made Umbrella Academy different is that doesn't have that respectability politics in it is that like to deal with that trauma, Diego is like let's go beat up some, some racists. And I'm like, that is also like catharsis. Of like getting like you as Alison getting to be that person who can say oh yeah I don't have to take shit. 

EMMY: [00:19:40] Yup. Yeah, I think it's it's it was really freeing honestly to just kind of let loose and let her kind of be this, this unknown and this kind of loose cannon kind of coming like the hinges are coming off a little bit and she's very unstable and and emotionally a mess. And, you know, just kind of we're watching a woman work through her trauma and, you know, make some really bad decisions and kind of the repercussions of those decisions and how they play out in her family and for herself. And it was a season unlike any other for me. I really, I really enjoyed kind of, I kind of felt like the villain of the season inside the family. Like just like Alison was the one that was a mess. And especially Luther being like, what is going on with her? It's like, stop. You don't know me. Stop. I'm done with everyone thinking that they know who I am. And that they know what's best for me. So I really, I really enjoyed kind of just being in such a mood all the time. 

PRINCESS: [00:20:31] I love, honestly, I'm ready to be the person like Alison. Like Magneto was right? I'm like Alison was right. Stop playing her face. Stop. 

EMMY: [00:20:37] Yeah. Yup. 

PRINCESS: [00:20:38] Because I think that was also the thing that was interesting is that like, now, you know, you are the only sister and you are the one who has been taking on that very female, traditionally female burden of like, let's all be calm, let's all be this. But, but because of that, people will also play with your, play in your face. And I think that it was that the betrayal that Victor does to Alison. 

EMMY: [00:21:03] Yeah. 

PRINCESS: [00:21:03] I think was that final straw. And I think it's so meaningful because Alison sacrifices and her whole arc has been like trying to do the right thing for everybody else and for her child. And now to have everyone not care, I think I think what was so powerful for me as a viewer and I wonder how it was for you, was the family gets thrown around a lot on the show, but it was Alison really saying, but like, but where do I fit in in this family? 

EMMY: [00:21:29] Yeah, yeah, yeah. I think it's human nature to spend the majority of your life trying to figure out where you fit in. And a lot of times, you know, your family is kind of when the world is a mess and you're trying to figure out where you fit in outside of, you know, your family like your family is kind of the grounding. Well, at least I know where I fit in here and I least I know where my what my place is here. And and I'm surrounded by people that love me and help me. And it just was really nice to kind of have Alison look up for the first time and realize that she's almost kind of staring at strangers, like, because of what she went through in season two, she's like, Oh, these people will never actually understand me because they see me and that I'm putting on a good face and that everything's fine because she's an actor and she's really good at that. But the isolation that she felt coming back from the sixties and looking around at her family, the people that are supposed to ground her and support her and, and get her, and she just felt like there was no one that would understand. And the closest person was, was Diego and Victor. But even their journeys are also very different. So it was it was a really beautiful to kind of navigate that for her, with her, with with the writers and with Steve and kind of explore that, that journey for her and the isolation that she's feeling inside this very massive family of hers. 

PRINCESS: [00:22:46] Yeah, no, it was so wonderfully done. Like I said, I think your story is like the standout. Everyone is great. But I was just like, it's definitely, it's definitely like the Alison season. But my last question before you go is since we are a geeked podcast, as I said before, what's geeky about you? What makes you excited? What are you nerdy for? Let everyone know. 

EMMY: [00:23:08] Oh man. Oh, okay. I'm a big DIY-er I'm a bit like I am. I love a craft. I love crafting. Like Joanne's fabric store is like my home away from home. I'll just go there and, like, roam the aisles, touching all the fabrics, playing with beads. I love making things with my hands, and I have a really hard time sitting still. And so if I'm knitting or doing a puzzle or beading or making macrame or I love crafting, I really like nerd out for crafts. 

PRINCESS: [00:23:39] That's phenomenal. So are you. I hope you have an amazing day. Thank you so much for speaking with me. And again, Alison, MVP. I can't wait to see what she does next. She's in her villain bag. 

EMMY: [00:23:49] That means so much that- you're so, so kind. I'm really it was truly a delight and a joy and challenging in the best way to go on that journey with her this season. So that means so much to me. Thank you. I really appreciate that. 

TESSA: [00:24:04] Okay y'all. It is time. The time is now. The day is near. We're going to talk about season three of the Umbrella Academy, Princess. I need to know. I just. I need to know your thoughts. What did you think? I we need to talk about everything because I'm obsessed. 

PRINCESS: [00:24:22] This was absolutely my favorite season. It moved the fastest, the sleekest. Yeah. Like, usually only Umbrella Academy. Like the first two episodes. Like, take a little bit to get you in, but I was hooked instantly. I felt like the charisma and vibes are great. Victor was handled so well, it was just... And also we got Alison completely in her villain bag. And I'm just like, I'm here for it. I love the darkness. She's a mother. We're having an evil mother theme in fiction right now. But yeah, I loved it. What did you think? 

TESSA: [00:24:55] This is a show where after I was done, I just want to tell every single person I know to watch it. Because I want to know, like, what they think about it and what, like their favorite parts were their theories. It's those are my favorite kinds of shows because I just want to have all the discussions and talk about it. But like it was one of those things where I forgot how good the show was, but it's like, right, it got you right back into it. Just like the writing, the stylistic choices and the shots and the fights and the music and the random like dance moments and plot twists and like the show rules. It's so smart. The writing is so good. It's like, hilarious and addicting. And, like, they hide things. It's like they do a great job. They do such a good job. And this season, I think, was one of the best because in past seasons I feel like it could get a little a little convoluted, sometimes a little too like confusing. Whereas this you were just like every episode at the end. I just wanted to keep watching it. It was very addicting. It was it was perfect. I just it brought you right back into the chaos and really it like it made me love these characters even more. 

PRINCESS: [00:26:04] For sure. And I think that this is all what it's been leading up to. Like for all of these seasons, we have seen the Umbrella Academy really struggle with the legacy of what their father put them through, and now seeing how easily they could be replaced is such a great way to start the season because that's always like their big fear has been like them not being living up to their expectations, their father's expectations, and now they're in this alternate place where they don't even matter. And yet they had to find some meaning out in in these experiences. And it's such a really great story. And I think all of them carry it emotionally well. And yeah, it was just incredible to watch. 

TESSA: [00:26:43] I just loved how it was like the hot, famous family with their shit together versus like a chaotic bunch of misfits from another universe that know nothing. And it just it can show you that, like, don't always underestimate those, like, misfits, because sometimes, like, you know, they love they still have some love. So things, The Sparrows was like the perfect world that they wanted to, like, achieve. And then when they see that too, they're like, Oh, that's also not what it was completely cracked up to be, you know, because a lot of people have this sort of place in their life where they see what their parents want from them. It's like this is what they want. And they're like, Oh, I wonder what that would be like? I wonder if, like, if I met that and if I was there, then I would be happy. But you're not. It's like most of the time you, it's like you're miserable. I was like that. So it was sort of showing that too, which I thought was really interesting to be like, Oh, they're perfect. They have everything that you could want, and then they're still messed up. 

PRINCESS: [00:27:41] Exactly. Because when you're trying to search for, like, inner peace everywhere else, you're never going to find it. And I think. Right. I think everything about this season is like everyone's trying to search for that thing that will make them feel complete and the trauma and just everything pulling them backward. You know, you have Victor coming in to their identity, which is handled really, really well. You have Alison who is struggling to get Claire back. Luther, who, of course, is a simp and falls in love with a woman in, like, 60 seconds or less. 

CLIP: [00:28:13] Hi, I'm Luther. 

PRINCESS: [00:28:15] You know, Diego is dealing with, like, potential fatherhood. Klaus with his mom, Five, just wanting to retire and marry a doll. 

CLIP: [00:28:23] Are they all perverts. 

TESSA: [00:28:24] It is so crazy, because I'm telling you, this season just made. I think it's like what you were saying because we got such, like a deeper feel into what they were like, struggling with and what they were all trying to overcome. Like, we just dove so deep into these characters that I like. I love them all. I'm all for different reasons. And it was it was so smart and brilliant. And I just love when shows do this. It's because also so many different properties right now are doing all this like multiverse stuff. Like, you know, Doctor Who like started it off. Obviously there's other things but just in my brain and then like you have Rick and Morty and then like Marvel went on board and now it's like everywhere. People keep doing it and I love it, but it's like you need to do something different with it or else it's going to get so boring so quick. And this is the first time that I've seen like diving into the multiverse, but in a way that's like cutting to the core of like characters and seeing like another version. And for this, it wasn't like the same version of themselves, but like a different siblings and picking apart like, oh, like, what would I be like here? So it was just, it was so cool and brilliant and I just can't say enough good stuff about it. 

PRINCESS: [00:29:38] Yeah, it was a great a new perspective and I love how it was like Luther was the one who was the most like, you guys are so Cool and great. Like all he ever- he's such a puppy. I love that. I loved him since Merlin and I'm just like, he just wants he just wants love and affection. L-O-V-E And I really I really think that that is so much about him, is that like, he really just wants to be loved? 

TESSA: [00:30:02] Yeah. 

PRINCESS: [00:30:03] What was your big WTF moment this season? 

TESSA: [00:30:07] Oh man. There were like a couple honestly, where I was just completely shocked and, like, yelling at the television and probably the first one... Hmm. Probably the first one was Harlan. Just like that sort of like reveal of like, oh, this strange, creepy grandpa man with the tapes and the numbered sandwiches was him? And it's like it clicked. I think it clicked in my brain. Like, right before it was revealed, he was like, wait a second. Like, who is this guy? Like, why is he here? And then I like, saw when he was like writing his name, I was like, Whose name is this? So that I was like looking it up. And then I remember and I was like, Oh, so it's like, I knew something, but I knew that something was up when he was listening to those bees. I got to say, Netflix conspiracy theory. What is with all these bees in your shows-. 

PRINCESS: [00:30:58] So many bees right now. 

TESSA: [00:30:59] Recently, like there's Harlan with the bees. There's Bridgerton with the bees. There is. What was the other thing? First kill with the bees What is all these bees? It's all connected. It's all connected, I swear. Listen to the bees. 

PRINCESS: [00:31:16] Not the bees. Not the bees. 

TESSA: [00:31:17] So that was like a moment where I was like, Oh, shoot. And then like when you found out like, Oh, he killed that, it was like he killed them. And then you found out that he also killed their moms. And I was like, Oh, no, oh, no, honey. I'm like, This isn't going to work well. But so is it going to end well. 

PRINCESS: [00:31:35] No, it's not. 

TESSA: [00:31:36] What was one of yours? 

PRINCESS: [00:31:38] Well, definitely the first thing was absolutely like their moms all being dead. 

TESSA: [00:31:42] Right. 

PRINCESS: [00:31:43] But then I also think, like when they killed Marcus, I was really surprised because you think it's going to be such a big character and he's just instantly gone. Who I love, like, you know, a mom out there worshiping this orb, and I'm just like, Girl, oof! What's going on. That just Intrigued me. 

TESSA: [00:31:59] Oh, yes. 

PRINCESS: [00:32:01] It just brought me in. Yeah. 

TESSA: [00:32:01] Yes. It's so really. I love when you just, like, kill a main character or kill someone you think is going to be a main character. I just I know some people really hate it. I love it. I think it's fun because I'm like, these are just characters we can like, why not, like, take some take some risks, put some, like, interesting perspectives in here. So I because then they kept dying, like the sparrows just kept dying over and over again. And they're like, Oh, they're these perfect, like, fighter warriors like Avengers. This is the Avengers. Nope. Dead, dead, dead. 

PRINCESS: [00:32:31] Yeah. The sparrows were giving big red shirt energy. I was just like,. 

CLIP: [00:32:36] Who the hell are these assholes? 

PRINCESS: [00:32:38] One question I wanted to ask you. So, Alison is kind of the the big bad of. 

TESSA: [00:32:43] She is. 

PRINCESS: [00:32:43] The mini big bad of this season her daughter has- because their moms are are dead before they were born. So they never existed. So Alison's daughter has never existed. So she comes back from like literally dealing with civil rights abuse for like years, losing her husband, thinking, I'm going to go back to her. My daughter. She goes back, daughter is- doesn't exist and she just suffers this really intense emotional breakdown. 

TESSA: [00:33:11] Yeah. 

PRINCESS: [00:33:11] And it slowly kills building and building until finally she and Victor have a huge falling out over Harlan. And I want to know what you thought about that Harlan v. Alison v. Victor situation. And I know that's going to be something where people are going to be debating like who was right and who was wrong and just I want to get what your thoughts were about that whole set. 

TESSA: [00:33:35] I mean, it's so brilliant. It's such brilliant storytelling and character writing because it was one of those things where it's like it feels so real, like this struggle felt so real. And I that's my favorite thing in fantasy shows is like those moments of reality that, like, are driving other parts of the plot. And this was a huge part of that. You could just see them become so close and then see how like in this moment of a lie, in this moment of something that like completely just is her breaking point, is this breaking point and can break people. And it's like those that happens in real life, like that happens a lot with people. And so it was like painful because it was so real. You could tell that they still loved each other, but there was so much anger there and so much hurt there and so much baggage there. Personally, it was something that like, it hurt me. Like I was so mad at her, but I understood. Like, I was like, like forgive Victor, you know? I was like, please, like, forgive him. But it's like, but I understand why you can't. It was honestly hard for me to pick a side because I could feel from both of them. I don't know if anyone is, like, right or wrong. Like, I guess like Alison made some choices, but it's like if this is her villain moment, like, I understand what her breaking point was, and I understand that she got there and that she's like, done. She's done with it. Like, you know, when she was having that conversation where she's like, This is all bullshit. I'm over it. Like, this is I- we keep going to all these different timelines. We keep doing all this stuff. Like I try to forge this connection or do this thing and then it's all taken away from me. I'd probably act the same way that she did, you know, that's like, I get that. But then, yeah, like, too, for Victor, though, it was it hurt my heart, man. It hurt my heart. Like to see him, like, because, like, she was always there for him. And now, like, in this moment where he is like, so for her to, like, do the thing that would, like, betray him. It was too much. Princess, I need to know what you think, because I cannot. I can't decide it's too much. I'm too emotional over it. 

PRINCESS: [00:35:37] I think it's been interesting because Victor and Alison, them having a massive falling out and then like a a thing that I knew was probably going to happen since I rewatched the season because even going I guess as far as season one, victor and Alison have always had this weird inability to be as close as they wanted to be with each other. Like and then we find out that Alison rumored Victor, to forgetting that they had powers. Then, you know, when Alison goes to confront Victor about the guy that he was seeing, victor accidentally cuts her throat and makes her unable to talk. And that's a whole thing. And then when you go into the the sixties. Victor saving Harlan is part of why they have to go up against the government. And it's like Victor will make these decisions that are very much based on emotion and wanting to be loved and be seen, because they have never had that. But they'll have these huge consequences. And Alison, being the one who does have like the most stable life of the group is the one who loses the most. 

TESSA: [00:36:49] Right. 

PRINCESS: [00:36:50] Each of those times, and it's just supposed to just keep coming back. And I think to me, Harlan, killing the mothers is something that was an inexcusable lie not to share. 

TESSA: [00:37:03] Hmm. 

PRINCESS: [00:37:04] You know, because it impacts everybody. And I just feel like every season they have the characters do that thing that I hate of like they won't actually communicate to each other. 

TESSA: [00:37:14] Yes. Oh, my God. 

PRINCESS: [00:37:16] They'll lie about something so dumb. And I'll be like. Just talk to each other. 

CLIP: [00:37:20] Let's all just calm down and let's talk. 

TESSA: [00:37:23] That was so much this season. Like, the whole time for everything. I was like, talk to each other. Yeah. Okay. So the biggest thing that I want to know is surrounding Hargreeves, because it's like, you know who? We still don't know. Who is this alien man? And like, why is he doing all of this? Like, what is his underlying motivation? Because like at the end when he's like talking to Alison, he says something where they're like discussing and she's like, what's going on? And he's like. Like, I want my prize. He says some sort of thing about, like, his prize. And then, like, there's another moment where he's talking to Luther about, like, why he sent Luther to the moon and he said, You went to the moon for a reason. You were guarding the most precious thing in the universe. And then during that little, like, Luther Moon montage moment, you saw, like, this person, Abigail Hargreeves, like, dead and frozen in this, like, cryogenic tube. So I'm guessing that she was, like, the precious thing that Luther was guarding. She is the prize that Hargreeves wants. Like, I don't know. So it's like she is so involved and I don't know why. And it is- I feel like that has to be revealed next because, boy, I got I don't know who this woman is and like, I need to know how she's connected to everything. What's the plan, Princess? 

PRINCESS: [00:38:48] I have no idea. Like, I totally agree with you. Like it was giving Mr. Freeze. Like, I'm like, is this your Nora, you like. And I also am wondering if we're ever going to find out, like, is he responsible for this, for the phenomenon of all these kids, you know? Right. Right. You know, it's like we don't really know why. And I feel like we keep going back and forth between him being this terrible, abusive, evil, bad daddy and like or is does he have some kind of, like, deeper motivation? I think that's kind of like the big point of the next season, I think has to be all about that. And now that they don't have their powers, apparently. 

TESSA: [00:39:26] Right. 

PRINCESS: [00:39:27] What's That going to look like like what? What is this future where like he has all of this power still, but not these kids. Like what has he replaced the children with because they were tools. So what are his new tools look like? All right. We are almost done for this episode. But there is one more thing, one more lingering thought for both Tessa and myself. Tessa, what is your one more thing of the week? 

TESSA: [00:39:57] I think that my one more thing is be careful out there because you don't know who's secretly an alien. My guess is that they probably live underwater. The ocean is terrifying. Like everybody wants to go to space. Nobody wants to explore the ocean. Why? Because people have already seen terrifying stuff down there and they never wanted to go back. So, you know, maybe mermaids are actually aliens and maybe they exist and then maybe they, like, walk on land sometime. So maybe the aliens are just, like, chillin. You never know. So just keep that in the back of your head. Just a little bit of extra anxiety for you. 

PRINCESS: [00:40:37] You're a cthulu is mermaid truther. I love that. 

PRINCESS: [00:40:41] What about you, princess? 

PRINCESS: [00:40:43] All right, my one more thing of the week is, if you are going to go back in time to kill your abusive grandfather, make sure that your parent is born first to maintain the timeline, which will allow you to kill said abusive grandfather and will not start a grandfather paradox. So make sure you get your dates right, kids. 

TESSA: [00:41:03] All right. The Geeked Podcast is hosted by me, Tessa Netting. 

PRINCESS: [00:41:07] And me Princess Weekes. 

TESSA: [00:41:09] Find me on Instagram, TikTok, YouTube all over the Internet at Tessa Netting. 

PRINCESS: [00:41:13] And you can find me on YouTube as Princess Weekes and Twitter as Weekes Princess. All right, y'all. Next week, we'll be covering the long awaited Stranger Things Season four, Volume two, The Conclusion of Vecna Daddy's Curse. I am excited and titillated. 

TESSA: [00:41:29] Oh, man. Vecna Daddy, Hopper daddy, we got we got all the daddies, you guys. Netflix got all the daddies. So anyway, this is a Netflix geeked and spoke media production. 

PRINCESS: [00:41:39] Our executive producers are Kiesha TK Dutes, Brigham Mosley, Alia Tavakolian In and Keith Reynolds. 

TESSA: [00:41:46] Kelly Kolff is our producer and Ryan Mendoza is our associate producer.'Da;Laura Patton is our coordinating producer and a special thanks to Carson McCain for being awesome. 

PRINCESS: [00:41:55] Sound design and engineering by Evan Arnett, who also composed and performed our original theme. 

TESSA: [00:42:00] Stay updated on all things Geeked be sure to follow Netflix Geeked on Twitter, Instagram and TikTok. 

PRINCESS: [00:42:06] And if you aren't following the Geeked podcast, I am truly, deeply offended. Beyond offended, and if you want to make it up to me, you can find it wherever you listen to podcasts. And since you're already there. Make sure to leave us a five star review because you know you love us. XO, XO Gossip Girl. Thank you. 

TESSA: [00:42:24] Thank you for listening. Buh-bye!.

CLIP: [00:42:33] Geeked.