The Geeked Podcast

Locke and Key S3: Unlocking the Final Season with Connor Jessup

Episode Summary

Get your keyholes ready, folks, because Tessa and Princess are unlocking all of the great mysteries of Locke and Key Season 3! Our hosts recap the story so far, discuss their favorite keys, and talk with Connor Jessup (who plays Tyler Locke) about his experience filming the final season, being a director, and his favorite anime.

Episode Notes

Get your keyholes ready, folks, because Tessa and Princess are unlocking all of the great mysteries of Locke and Key Season 3! Our hosts recap the story so far, discuss their favorite keys, and talk with Connor Jessup (who plays Tyler Locke) about his experience filming the final season, being a director, and his all-time favorite anime series. 

Episode Transcription



CLIP: [00:00:01] Geeked.


PRINICESS: [00:00:04] What's up, my zombies and vampire deviants. I am Princess Weekes.


TESSA: [00:00:10] And I'm Tessa Netting. And before we get started with the pod, we have a little favor to ask you. Do you love us? You better. And if you do, let us know, please. And a five star review on Apple Podcasts, because we want to hear from you. So let us know what you want us to cover your favorite segments. Or you can just give us nice compliments. That's always nice. My love language is words of affirmation. So please say nice things to us all the time. That would be very nice.


PRINICESS: [00:00:42] It'd be very sweet. You can all say nice things about us on Spotify or just, you know, tweet at us, tell us how much you love us. Because you are listening to the Geeked podcast. You're one stop shop for fandom combos, pop culture, media, all the things that you love, including us.


TESSA: [00:00:59] Yes, about you love that we love that we all love. And each week we are going to be skimming the surface of what's popular and culture, then taking a deep dove into the lore of Netflix's worlds bigger than our own.


PRINICESS: [00:01:09] Today we are delving into the world of Locke and Key. All the locks, all the keys, all the key holes. There's just so much mythos and information about this series, which is ending. This is the third and final season of Locke and Key.


TESSA: [00:01:26] A lot of keys, got a lot of keys, a lot of stuff to talk about. And as a special little treat, we're going to be interviewing Connor Jessup, who plays Tyler Locke. So you don't want to miss this.


PRINICESS: [00:01:37] But first, my love, Tessa. What's got you geeked up?


TESSA: [00:01:43] What's Got Me Geeked this week is that I am attempting to be on vacation at this moment, going spending some time with my husband and his family and then my dad's side of the family. And yeah, trying to not be a workaholic and relax and read some architecture and not pay attention to things. But I don't know if it's going to work out this whole time. Like I'm a little already stressed about it, so I don't know. I'm trying.


PRINICESS: [00:02:22] I get that vacation can be hard when it's like, okay, I have to be like on vacation, but also a good daughter in law. And you just like participation.


TESSA: [00:02:35] Yeah, exactly. Also, I'm just not good at relaxing, so.


PRINICESS: [00:02:40] Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's like someone get this girl an edible so she can actually relax.


TESSA: [00:02:48] How about you, Princess?


PRINICESS: [00:02:50] I mean, I'll get you an edible. I mean. All right, so let's go. Thank you. You're welcome. Love you. So I got to go to Gen Con, which was my first time att gen con. It was an awesome opportunity. Two of my friends, Sydney a.k.a Tappy Toe Claws and Olivia Gobert-hicks. They allowed me to stay in their hotel room and they cos-played for Ultra Pro which just sort of like makes accessories for like cards like Doless and that kind of stuff. And they were amazing. I decided I am going to become a cosplayer that's going to be my next yeah, my next career spin. I'm very excited. But yeah, it was just I thank you. It's just like I love tabletop RPGs. Like I love collecting them even more than I like playing them. I just love just seeing like all these people creatively, putting these these worlds together. So I bought literally a whole second luggage worth of indie and mainstream tabletop RPG games. I got like some new borrowed dice from this one site, this one place called Beadle and the Grimm. They make dice for, like each class that you can be in indie so that it's already set up to like fit how you would do your attack. So I'm just like, hell yeah super bard powers at it was just a really fun experience to be around so many nerdy creators and I like being able to just know that I'm giving money directly to people who are making stuff that I really enjoy. So that was really fun. I love that and I've been playing a lot of Pokemon this week, so that's been just, just a lovely experience for me. And I went to Costco for the first time and that was also pretty.


TESSA: [00:04:38] Fun for the first time?


PRINICESS: [00:04:40] For the first time, no, I was a BJ Wholesale girl, so like this was like a whole new world. And my friends took me and I'm just like, Whoa, love this for me. So I think. I think I'm converted from BJ'S to Costco. We'll see.


TESSA: [00:04:56] It's very overwhelming the first time that you go, it's a. Very much like IKEA. When you go near, like there's too many things here. I'm lost.


PRINICESS: [00:05:05] Yeah, it's like a domestic brain flipped in my brain where it's like, okay, well, now I have to think about what I'm going to bring home to to the house. So it was like I was like, well, they had all this stuff for sale. Like, I got a whole, like, small box of skinny pop popcorn, and I was just like, Well, this is an investment.


TESSA: [00:05:25] If you start going to Costco, one of the best things that you can get there is around Thanksgiving. They have the best, biggest pies. So if you like pumpkin pie, apple pir.


PRINICESS: [00:05:38] I do.


TESSA: [00:05:38] Costco, baby. It's got you.


PRINICESS: [00:05:40] You know, it's so funny. You may not know this about me, Tessa. I'm actually a pretty good baker. Like, not. Not like, not British Bake Off Levels, please. God, no. But I have made I have made many a pie in my life.


TESSA: [00:05:55] Princess is like, how dare you insult me?


PRINICESS: [00:05:58] I don't need to buy Costco pies, but I. I probably would just buy it, but I, I actually I've been for this Thanksgiving. I actually want to make a sweet potato pie by myself. So that's going to be my new adventure because I like baking and I have like a little. What of those big ones? I forget what they're called because my brain is Swiss cheese right now. But the point is that I can bake and I plan on making something really fun for Thanksgiving. But if I mess it up now, I know to go to Costco, and get a pie.


TESSA: [00:06:34] You need a backup. You can just grab one real quick, but that's amazing. I wish I could bake. Cannot. I need the box directions.


PRINICESS: [00:06:44] You know what? You have so many other skills that if you could bake, it would just literally be unfair. Like. You're already, you're already. You're already too perfect that if you could bake it would just be like too much. Now you're an OP.


TESSA: [00:07:00] Tell that to my husband. You hear that? Joe?


PRINICESS: [00:07:02] Joe, listen to me. You better. You better just be grateful She doesn't keep leveling up because she's already so powerful.


TESSA: [00:07:14] It's. It's so true. Women are too powerful already. So it's like you need to take something Away.


PRINICESS: [00:07:21] He can bake. Let him do it. He's a potions teacher, isn't he? He knows how to do this shit.


TESSA: [00:07:27] Honestly, that's one reason why I'm not very good at baking is because I am not very good at science. I always hated science so much. Like chemistry. Absolutely not. Could not do it.


PRINICESS: [00:07:37] That is so funny because I did realize that like whenever they had like a female doctor character on a show, like especially like an urban fantasy show, they usually bake. Like, that's usually what they do. Like, calm down. And I'm just sitting here like, Oh, okay.


TESSA: [00:07:55] Oh, just the realization.


PRINICESS: [00:07:58] Oh, here we go, here we go. But yeah, I. I'm glad that we're both trying to relax and live our best lives. Good for us.


TESSA: [00:08:07] Trying.


PRINICESS: [00:08:08] We're trying so hard.


TESSA: [00:08:10] Good. Good for us. We can do it. I believe in us.


PRINICESS: [00:08:13] Absolutely. All right. We're just talking about Locke and key. So, Tessa, before I start unlocking all this information. Ha, ha. Lock, what was your background with Locke and Key? Did you know anything about it? What did you know about it? If you did, what is your knowledge of this franchise?


TESSA: [00:08:33] So I do not have a lot of knowledge about this, unfortunately. So I know sort of like the first season I watched a couple episodes of the first season and then I watched like basically reviews of what happens for the first season, second season. And then I didn't unfortunately did not have enough time to watch the third season. But I'm not a spoiler person, so you may spoil away. I've always been like that. If I ever find something out, I It doesn't affect me at all. Like, seriously, if I would have known about Luke Skywalker like any of those secrets, like the biggest secrets that you could think of, it would not affect my viewing of the actual thing because I just see that as two different things. It's like, you know something. But then when you see how it's implemented, it's like it's still different. And also I have a horrible memory, so I would just forgot anyway.


PRINICESS: [00:09:26] All right, well, then I have a lot to work with. All right?


TESSA: [00:09:30] You're going to teach me, so I'm ready to learn.


PRINICESS: [00:09:32] So, first of all, do you know who is the creator of the comic book Locke and Key?


TESSA: [00:09:39] I don't think so. I do know it was a comic, but I don't know who is the creator.


PRINICESS: [00:09:43] Then we will start from there. Okay. So the creator of Locek and Key is Joe Hill, a.k.a the son of Stephen King.


TESSA: [00:09:52] What?


PRINICESS: [00:09:52] Yeah. He's a pretty prolific horror author in his own right. He writes a whole bunch of different things. But this was the comic series that he worked on with IDW it was illustrated by Gabriel Rodriguez and it ran from 2008 to 2013. And basically, in a lot of ways that the concept is very similar. So their dad dies and then they end up moving to their family's ancestral home, Key house. It's been in their family for hundreds of years, and when they get their. Bodey, being a small child looks around and places where he shouldn't and ends up accidentally releasing this great evil who we come to be known name as Dodge, who was a demon who was trying to collect all the keys for a lot of nefarious reasons. Yes, that character is great. And from there on out, the series and the comics really go in different directions, especially in terms of how the villain stuff shakes up. But that is the comics. All right, Tessa, now that we have gotten that information out of the way, I am so, so excited for us to introduce our interview with Connor Jessup. So soulful, so sweet, gave us the most thoughtful answers. He is someone who truly loves film and media, so it was an absolute treat to speak with him. And after you've gotten your keyholes all primed and ready, we are going to come back and talk more about lock and key with y'all. So let's get into it. Connor's been through a lot, like your character Tyler has been through a lot. So for you, with all of these emotional journeys you've been going through at the character, what have you think has kind of been the most fun thing about playing him and the hardest?


CONNOR: [00:11:50] It's interesting. I mean. Think that sometimes the thing that's the most fun is, is the same thing. That's that's the hardest. Maybe that's true about a lot of things in life. But the show is as much fun to make as I hope it is to watch. And sometimes that's not the case. I mean, sometimes sometimes things that are fun to watch are not fun to make. But it was made with such warmth and care and also just a lack of drama. And everyone is really lovely. The reason I got into acting when I was a kid was because of shows and movies like this. I mean, the idea of fighting monsters and playing with magic and to get to the question, I mean, I think the thing that was maybe hardest is I'd done a lot of stuff before this that was like a string of things before this that were like more dramatic, I guess, or more serious or gritty or whatever you want to use. And it took me a moment in this, to, obviously, you have to take it seriously and you have to take your job seriously, but relax into it to allow myself to have fun.


PRINICESS: [00:12:53] Yeah. Yeah.


CONNOR: [00:12:55] And over the course of the three years, I think I really got better at that. So by the time the show finished, we were having so much fun. And even when the stakes are high and the characters are going through whatever horrible things happening to them, I was able to have a lot of fun. Like I was able to synchronize with the tone of the show and that was really hard but really, really satisfying.


PRINICESS: [00:13:16] And it looks like a lot of fun to to do and play. And I totally get what you mean about getting to play all those magical elements which speaking to of at the end of the series, you know, the family decides to get rid of the keys, which I thought was just like my heart. I was just wondering, like, if you had been in that situation, would you have chosen to give up magic or would you have tried to find a way around it?


CONNOR: [00:13:37] I feel like if I had been in that situation, after all the things that they had been through, I probably would have made the same choice. I think they'd been through so many ups and downs with magic, and I mean, it was fun and there were moments of joy with it, but it always ended up being a curse, and danger was never far away. And it drove them apart a little bit. I mean, it brought them together, but it was one of these things that I think they came to realize was never meant to define them, you know, that they that they can be okay as a family and that they can move on from the the loss and the pain that they've been through without it, you know, they don't need the crutch of that. And I think that is the right choice. And I like to think about the choice I would have made. I mean, I. I think we all have. Bodey is the one who.


PRINICESS: [00:14:25] Yeah.


CONNOR: [00:14:25] Is like, really, guys, we're going to give it up? And I think we all have a little bit of that in us, too.


PRINICESS: [00:14:31] It just it was it was one of those moments where I was watching it and I was like, this is the right choice, but it hurts so bad cause I want them to keep having fun. Speaking of the keys, this is a question that I know my co-host, if she was here, I'd love to ask, but if you could pick any of the magical keys to have as your own in the series, which one would you pick?


CONNOR: [00:14:50] Well, so I used to say I used to waffle, but I usually used to land on the anywhere key. And it's just the most deeply useful, convenient one.


PRINICESS: [00:15:02] Absolutely.


CONNOR: [00:15:03] The idea of being able to step through my laundry room door and and be in Japan or Rome or even just down the street. It sounds wonderful, but in this new season, we introduced a new key that's called the creation key. That is like a pencil. And whatever you draw.


PRINICESS: [00:15:22] It turns into it. Yeah.


CONNOR: [00:15:24] It becomes real.


PRINICESS: [00:15:25] Yeah.


CONNOR: [00:15:25] And that, I think is the coolest key. I mean, I can't draw, but if I could draw, that would be the key I would choose because that feels like it has pretty infinite possibility.


PRINICESS: [00:15:35] Absolutely. And as an anime nerd myself, I was just like, there are so many. I just we were tracing and like, all right, we're going to bring you to life.


CONNOR: [00:15:42] Well, I mean I mean, we only have the key for a few episodes in the show, but yeah, Bodey draws a big impossible machine with a claw and.


PRINICESS: [00:15:51] Oh, yeah, I remember that. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


CONNOR: [00:15:53] So it's like, if we had a couple more seasons, I'm sure we could think of something, some fun things.


PRINICESS: [00:15:57] Absolutely. And you yourself are just such an interesting person because you're also a director and you worked on that incredible profile of a Thai filmmaker. And I just wanted to know, as someone who has done so much acting, what was it like switching into the director's chair and working on something like that versus something that you've done in the past?


CONNOR: [00:16:18] I mean, I got into acting when I was really young. Yeah. And, and as I was starting to understand what that job was and started to work a little bit, it kind of was in parallel to falling in love with movies like really falling in love with movies. So I had this amazing opportunity when I was a teenager of falling in love with movies like a lot of people do. But then my job was going and working on sets and and learning about cameras and composition and blocking and, you know, so it was this wonderful education. And so since I was 15 or 16, I've always had this dual interest in since I was maybe 19 or 20, I've kind of had this pattern of when I'm acting, I'm acting. And then in between jobs, I focus on my own projects and I find that that's really a it's refreshing because you can change and be it. It's really stimulating to to go from something. I mean, acting is a very myopic job in a way. You're focused on your little part in something and the show is getting made and by a thousand people. And a lot of choices are beyond you, you know? Yeah. And there's something liberating in that, in how localized that is, of course. But then but then you go and you do your own things and you're in charge of everything, and you have to take on this much, much grander scale and you have to have a more cinematic approach. And that going back and forth between that is, I think, good for me and I hope to continue to get to do that because I feel like it improves me as an actor, working as a making movies makes my acting better and acting makes my my directing better.


PRINICESS: [00:17:48] Absolutely. And one of the things I love about when I was reading about you is like so you love like East Asian culture and like, Japanese culture like and we are a geek podcast. So what, what are the things about that Abe drew you into it and what are the things that you love and get geeked about?


CONNOR: [00:18:03] Now, sort of my entry point to falling in love with movies when I was like 14 or 15 or one of one of the entry points was Japanese cinema. You know, like I started watching Chris, I was Never Say and Ozu and all those people. And it's I mean, it's kind of hard to explain, I guess, why I can kind of come up with fake reasons why you're attracted to one thing and not another thing. You know, it's like we all feel that way. It's like why the waiters want a city or a movie or a music or whatever resonate with you and then other one doesn't sort of pointless to trace. Yeah, but for whatever reason, I did feel really drawn to that. I guess the culture broadly, but more specifically to a sort of I mean, you can't put an entire cultural, cultural output into a box obviously. But of course there was definitely a type of narrative rhythm that I had encountered as someone who grew up watching, you know, the movies that we all grew up watching in North America.


PRINICESS: [00:18:54] Yeah.


CONNOR: [00:18:55] There was a different expectation in terms of speed and in terms of emotional payoff and different things were paid attention to and different things were found beautiful. And I found that kind of liberating. And it opened a lot of windows and doors for me inside myself. And then that kind of led to a broader fascination with. Japan and with its filmmakers and with anime and with a lot of things I became very obsessed with as a teenager, and I had become maybe slightly less obsessive as I got a little bit older. But I still have that that nugget in me. And I mean, I've been to Japan so many times now and it's my favorite place and I have so many friends there. And obviously I don't claim to be any sort of expert or insider, but as a as an outsider, I get a lot of pleasure and comfort from from being there.


PRINICESS: [00:19:48] Absolutely. And I think that's so beautiful to have that appreciation. And I think it shows in your work because I think like most people, when they make their first film or documentary, it tends to be something very, almost personal to them. And you doing it on another like on a Thai filmmaker, it just kind of showed like it's not just that sort of like superficial enjoyment, but it's really an observation of like what makes these kind of filmmakers different. And I think that's really interesting.


CONNOR: [00:20:18] Yeah, I think we're all looking for something that surprises us, I guess, you know, or we're looking for something that changes the way that we think about the world or about ourselves or about movies or whatever. And that was the I mean, it probably was a coincidence as much as anything, but those were the things that I encountered and that really had a profound, profound impact on me.


PRINICESS: [00:20:41] I love that you have such thoughtful responses, which I knew coming into it, but it just it feels nice to hear someone film, you know, like it's such a such a fun thing.


CONNOR: [00:20:52] I often say I can't really talk about anything else. I mean, if you were to ask me about almost any other topic, I would be useless.


PRINCESS: [00:20:58] So I know it's beautiful. I would. As a nerdy question, I guess I would ask like if you could voice any like do a dub for an anime character, who would you want to play?


CONNOR: [00:21:10] That's a hard question to answer. I mean, I, I mean, I, one of my favorite shows, maybe two very different answers. One of my favorite shows growing up, I seen it maybe 30 times is Fullmetal Alchemist,.


PRINCESS: [00:21:23] Of course. One of the best.


CONNOR: [00:21:25] Yeah, of course, obviously. And I've always loved Al.


PRINCESS: [00:21:28] Mm.


CONNOR: [00:21:29] I think he's such a sweet and tender and I'm too old and it's not. Not right. But if I was right, I think he's like, he's such a gentle and loving energy, and it would be fun to try and find that.


PRINCESS: [00:21:42] That's awesome. Yeah. And I just wanna say thank you so much for this interview. It was really fun getting to pick your brain.


CONNOR: [00:21:47] Thank you. I really, really, really appreciate it.


PRINCESS: [00:21:49] You're super thoughtful and I can't wait to see what you do next because you're so talented and interesting. And I know you're going to keep doing really interesting stuff.


CONNOR: [00:21:56] Thank you so much. I really appreciate that.


PRINCESS: [00:22:05] What's interesting is that I had first heard about Locke and Key back in 2011 because they originally filmed an entirely different pilot, like they had an entire pilot filmed and then Fox ordered not to order it to series. This is back when Fox had no idea how to like actually support a sci fi show. In that one it was Miranda Otto was playing the mom, which like iconic casting. That would have been fantastic. Jesse McCartney was going to play Tyler.


TESSA: [00:22:40] What? Absolutely not. Could never know about. No, I do know that I met him once. We were both like waiting in the lobby for a voiceover audition. And I was looking at, oh, my gosh, I was looking at the the name because you've the sign in. And then I just saw the sign and was Jesse McCartney. And I was like, No way. And then I just like, look around like, I need to see this guy. And he's just sitting there and I was like, Bitch, I used to love. That song is like, whatever beautiful soul. And I was like, Do I sing it next to him? And I didn't. But I was like, He would not work for this. I'm glad that he was not. I don't want to hate Jesse because this is no Jesse McCartney hate. But like.


PRINCESS: [00:23:21] But there is right now.


TESSA: [00:23:22] But there is for this one character could not.


PRINCESS: [00:23:25] Kinsey was going to be played by one of my favorite actresses, Sarah Bolger. I first knew from The Tudors, and she's been in other stuff right now. I think she's on FX's Mayans. And then this kid named Skyler Gaertner was going to play Bodey. Kinsey Esolo from Lost Girl, was going to be playing Dodge. And then the father, Rendall, was going to be played by Supernatural alum Mark Pellegrino.


TESSA: [00:23:53] Oh, no, I love him. I was like, Damn, you're like a fire lady. Say just for that. But I mean, I don't know. The Jesse McCartney of it all would've been too much for me. Well.


PRINCESS: [00:24:07] Well, the pilot got really good reviews from a lot of different places. People were really into it, but it just never got picked up. And then we hop and a skip to our Netflix series, which started in 2020, which feels very weird that it's that was two years ago, and we're on a third season of television.


TESSA: [00:24:29] That is wild. I did not realize that it that it was 2020. I thought, oh, wow.


PRINCESS: [00:24:35] So 2020, we got this adaptation. The one thing I can say as someone who read the comics for this podcast is that the tone of the series is a lot lighter,.


TESSA: [00:24:49] Right? Yeah, because I heard they were dark. Like they're horror. Right?


PRINCESS: [00:24:53] They're very Horror. Yeah. Yeah. It's definitely more of a coming of age fantasy series than a horror hunting Cthulhu and type show, which it is in the comics. But then it isn't. I think it was trying to be like another kind of stranger things in that kind of vibe of keeping up to it. But people have enjoyed the show for what it is and I think for what it is. It's still a very fun y type fantasy series. It's just not the horror fantasy series. It wasn't the comics.


TESSA: [00:25:28] Honestly, though, I don't think if it was a horror series like it, I feel like it wouldn't have been as good because especially for this type of show with like with these characters, with the family, with the children, it's like that's why we had Haunting of Hill House. Like Haunting of Hill House and like those type of Mike Flanagan shows like that is like the Horror Family Show. It's like you don't need like another horror family show. So I kind of liked that they went more like Chronicles of Narnia type like situation with this because to me I'm like, Oh, okay, so this is this sort of like fantasy element of supernatural house. Like we don't know what's going on here. Let's explore the magical side of it. Like, to me, I'm like, Hell yeah, that's fun.


PRINCESS: [00:26:15] Absolutely. I think that Locke and Key kind of got stuck in this weird period where, like, it was like this very good fantasy horror series. But people did. But people don't know how to do stuff that's like it involves kids but is not for kids, you know? It's like, you know, so it's a horror series that very much is about these teenagers and their young brother. But it's like child horror, you know, like evil. Like, yeah, like like Bodey, I guess. I don't want to spoil it totally, but like bodies getting possessed. Well, like Bodey gets possessed in both the third season of Locke and key and in the comics. But in the comics, like he stays in that body until, like, the end. And part of defeating the big evil is by seeming to kill Bodey. And it's like that is very grim and dark and not the tone of this show. And I think it doesn't help that like at the same time Locke andx Key was like blowing up and would have been a thing. You also had like The Magicians, which was kind of like the dark Narnia dark, you know, Supernatural Fantasy Show. And then you had Stranger Things, which is like this teen family found family shows, I think, like, and he was trying to find its groove in between that. So for those people who want to know what happened in these seasons, so season one was largely about the family living in the key house and discovering all the hidden magical keys.


TESSA: [00:27:43] So, Princess, real quick, I got to ask you.


PRINCESS: [00:27:46] Okay.


TESSA: [00:27:46] So if you because this is like what happens in my brain when like I'm watching these shows. So if you, like, had this big, big ol magical like ancestral home that you suddenly was given to you, gifted to you, you're like, you can move in. Would you move in or would you not move in?


PRINCESS: [00:28:07] Oh, man. Well, see, the black in me is telling me it's torn between. No, it's probably haunted and it's a free house, you know, I think boom, flip it, you know, call it IGTV.


TESSA: [00:28:18] You got to be careful, Princess. You got to be careful because when you disrupt the house, that's when the shit starts going down, when you start changing up a house and renovating. That's actually what makes ghost like madder than anything is when you do that.


PRINCESS: [00:28:34] That's true. If it was, you know, if it was a really nice house and it could ghostly give me central air, then you know what I would say? You know, I can I feel like I, I think about me as a New York City apartment renter, the things that I sacrifice for comfort. And I think to myself, like, could I if I had a comfortable home and had my own library?


TESSA: [00:28:58] But it's in the middle of Massachusetts. Is that cool? In the middle of nowhere? Yes, that's what I mean. Because you like why are we moving here?


PRINCESS: [00:29:08] I think you know what? I think I'm selling the house. I think I think I really like this. You know, I would boom, flip it. I'm like, you know, I'm going to go talk to, like, all my religious leaders and be like, okay, I want to sell this haunted house. How do I make sure that the curse stays on the ground? It doesn't follow me.


TESSA: [00:29:26] That.  See, that to me is the smartest move. Like when I was like, these people are moving into this house because if I moved into this house and I just, like, spent one night and one weird thing happen. Absolutely not. No, no, no, no. Like, I cannot. I also see these people on Tik Tok. There are these families that move into these haunted houses and they're like filming things happening to them. Like the ghosts are just like interacting and they're just like, Well, this is our house. We bought it. I'm like, Where are like the priests? Like, you're not doing anything else. Like, you're just going to live with this. Like, no, got.


PRINCESS: [00:30:02] To at least make it. Yeah. Make an effort to at least banish the demons.


TESSA: [00:30:07] See, because like ghosts have, like, spoken to me, like they talk to me. It is not fine, so I don't want to do it. Like they will try to communicate and like I'm, I'm basically like Klaus, like, I do not want to respond. Like, I don't I don't want to be a part of it.


PRINCESS: [00:30:23] Let me be honest with you. And I mean, this will all do affection. You do have the energy of of a girl who would get possessed by a demon.


TESSA: [00:30:29] 100%.


PRINCESS: [00:30:30] Absolutely.


TESSA: [00:30:32] The demon would possess me no questtion


PRINCESS: [00:30:34] Or just haunt you. Yeah, absolutely. Absolutely.


TESSA: [00:30:37] It would just follow me home. Literally. I remember first first time I went on the haunted mansion was like a ghost will follow you home. 100% believed it. And I was like, of course it's going to follow me home. It makes sense.


PRINCESS: [00:30:48] I can sense my energy.


TESSA: [00:30:50] Yeah. Yeah. So I, I'm like, this house would sense my energy immediately and things would go wrong.


PRINCESS: [00:30:56] But I do think that like that was interesting about it. And all of the keys were like overall, very interesting. I.


TESSA: [00:31:04] Totally.


PRINCESS: [00:31:04] I think the only thing that I felt was sort of like the first season kind of drags because it's trying to do all the like Narnia exposition of like, well, let's go to try this different key in this different key. It's like,.


TESSA: [00:31:16] Oh, I like that.


PRINCESS: [00:31:18] I know you did. You're like, oo fun adventures.


TESSA: [00:31:21] That I that's I like that with like supernatural too. Like the first season is so monster of the week and that's why I love it so much. And this is the same thing. It's like, what key is this episode? What key is this like let's figure out. I love that shit when we start. Get it? I That's why I love Harry Potter. When we start getting into the bigger plots, the bigger things, the big bads, I'm like, Oh, I just want to play. I don't want to do this.


PRINCESS: [00:31:43] What are these? Stakes? I didn't ask for this.


TESSA: [00:31:46] I don't want stakes. I just want to find different keys and see what happens. But yes, I understand it drags for you. It can drag.


PRINCESS: [00:31:53] Just a little bit. But then, you know, they have the big bad. They have Dodge who is awesome.


CLIP: [00:31:58] Did you miss me?


PRINCESS: [00:31:59] And then in season two is definitely were the changes happened because that character of like Gideon, that demon who's also like a Revolutionary War Redcoat.


CLIP: [00:32:09] Captain Frederick Gideon of the Crown's 23rd Infantry.


PRINCESS: [00:32:13] Not a thing in the comics. So it was interesting. Yeah.


TESSA: [00:32:19] Really? That's So wild to me, because that's such a big part. Like, where did that come from?


PRINCESS: [00:32:26] So basically in the comics during the Revolutionary War is when the magic sort of opens, like it's when Benjamin Locke, who is the like the one who created all the keys, creates all this stuff. So like, that is where that kind of comes from, like taking that threat and turning it into, like, a more long form villain. But yeah, I was definitely surprised because like, I was like, Oh, this is like a really huge character. And I read the comic over and over again. It's like it kind of is taking a little bit of elements from the comics, but that particular character doesn't exist. Interesting in the comics. But it's still really badass. And he was really interesting. I think that part of the show felt very supernaturally to me, like the idea of like this, this overarching big bad and like the kids trying to figure out each other like what's going on, how to make things work. I think overall what surprised me about this show is that it feels very like it feels like a CW show and like not in a bad way, but in like it is like it's very much aiming for that audience. Like it's very teen focused, right? It's got this is not the same sort of like Riverdale where it filmed stuff. Like it's all very like either very bright or very gray. Right. It's very YA. And I think this would be fun for, like, teenagers. And I wonder if that's why its audience, like sometimes it would be like kind of mixed because I'm like, I would be getting ready to expect something a little bit darker and they would soften it up. And it's not bad, but it is just different. But yeah, and I think the third season was a very interesting mix of building the mythos of the series, giving in some ways the same ending as the comics, but also just being more true to its younger audience. So I'm going to get into it. So spoiler alert. Do do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do. So in the show in the third season, Tyler leaves because he's turning 18 and he chose not to get his memories back. But then their mom, she gets the memory keys. So now she remembers how magic works and she's reconnecting with everybody while their uncle is getting married. Everything kind of kicks off in the third episode because Bodey doesn't listen.


TESSA: [00:34:48] He never listens.


PRINCESS: [00:34:50] He was giving me such agita. I was just that I was sitting here like this little boy. I felt like I was like playing God of war and was like, Boy, stop. I just was like, boy-ing, him eternally. So frustrating.


TESSA: [00:35:01] Why isn't he at school? What is he doing?


PRINCESS: [00:35:04] What is it? Except to get bullied. That's all he ever does to school is get picked on. I'm like, sir,.


CLIP: [00:35:09] You know a lot of stuff about me, but I don't know anything About you.


TESSA: [00:35:13] I know it was too much like this kid,.


PRINCESS: [00:35:16] This poor baby. And then he takes it. He goes back in time and does the most immature thing because he's a kid. He's like, he goes back in time to, like, a very key moment, and he's like, I'm from the future. I know what's going to happen. You're going to get defeated. I'm like, Shut up. No. Shut Up! River Song Spoiler.


TESSA: [00:35:34] It's like, this is the first rule of time travel.


PRINCESS: [00:35:37] Don't blab,.


TESSA: [00:35:39] Don't mess with the timeline.


PRINCESS: [00:35:41] Don't mess with timeline. And he accidentally brings the Dodge the villain back into their timeline and then accidentally loses his body gets and end like he gets his body gets possessed by Dodge. And so for like.


TESSA: [00:35:57] Dodge lucked out. Dodge lucked out. But she had body, I got to say, because this kid tripped up so many times, I just like made it so easy for her. But she, like, when, when he first interacted with her, she was like, oh. Hell yeah, this. Yeah.


PRINCESS: [00:36:14] She's like, this is like like that bird man gif. I, I'm just like, I just thought to myself, like, I hope that whatever child I have knows if you see a strange lady and a well naked. Call me. Call me before you do anything else. Before you get like this. Look, come to me with that.


TESSA: [00:36:36] This is why there's no communication in this family. You I to talk to your mother. What are you doing? Talking to random women in wells.


PRINCESS: [00:36:43] How ridiculous, foolish, so frustrating. And so, like, for, like, the next couple of episodes, everyone's like, why is Bodie being such a dick head and just being so aggressive? And then eventually everyone kind of figures out, Wait, are you sure this is? And then they figure it out. Just kind of like you, just so like watching this little kid. Just be like, an absolute asshole. And I'm just sitting here watching. It's like,.


TESSA: [00:37:10] I bet the kid loved it.


PRINCESS: [00:37:11] I love evil children


TESSA: [00:37:12] I do. I do, too. I'm like, this was this actor, this kid. This is like his favorite. They go, he gets to be this little, like little preg. He's living. He's living his best life. I love It.


PRINCESS: [00:37:24] But essentially it just kind of has a very stock fantasy series happy ending. Like the kids figure out how to defeat the villain also means letting go of the magic of the house and getting rid of all the keys. So they go back in time to see like their dad one more time and have like a meal with him. And that was really moving. And then they just kind of move forward with their lives and kind of give up magic. And I was just like.


TESSA: [00:37:48] What? Absolutely not. I hate it. I hate that.


PRINCESS: [00:37:55] Well, it was funny because it's like it's so without the trauma that they've all got, like, you know, it's like it's like but it's like we figured it out. It's like it was really again for the audience I know is going for a very sweet yeah. Good ending but I just I really do myself like man so do people you know, have died or, like, got harmed. But you know what? As long as you guys are happy, as far as the core family is good.


TESSA: [00:38:19] The families together. No more magic. I don't like this. Like, oh, magic is now evil. It's like, come on, guys.


PRINCESS: [00:38:27] It's like they're like basically they treat the keys like they're horcruxes like they make people do bad things. I'm like, so?


TESSA: [00:38:33] No, no, it's their decisions. The guy is they're making the wrong decisions. Like, Come on.


PRINCESS: [00:38:41] I just feel like I don't see any reason why we couldn't keep the anywhere key, like Sorry.


TESSA: [00:38:47] That's what I mean, like, okay, I understand. Like, some of the keys that are bad, it's like, okay, the bad keys, guys, let's, like, not use those, but like, maybe just take one, like, maybe someone takes one or something, like, and then they had to keep the, they should've kept the memory key or whatever. And it's like, you know, so it's like because once you turn 18, there has to be someone that can remember all this. No. I don't like it.


PRINCESS: [00:39:09] Exactly. And I think it's like, keep the memory key, keep the identity key and keep the anywhere key. Because like in this economy, we're trying to travel first class, door to door service. Like, sorry, and Bodey is the only one like, but why would we do this? And everyone and all of the adults are like, because it's too dangerous. I'm like, for you.


TESSA: [00:39:32] Give Bodey the keys. Bodi, you should have stayed in that house by himself with the keys, you know, like you be like, Fuck this family. I'm gonna stay here. I'm having these keys. This is my house now. Like, get Out. He shoulda stayed.


PRINCESS: [00:39:46] Makes sense, I suppose.


TESSA: [00:39:51] Okay. So I thought of some questions surrounding some of these keys because the keys were my favorite part of this show. And so I'm just going to go through some of these. The first one that I thought of is if you had the anywhere key, and that's the key that allows a person to travel anyplace in the world. They just have to have seen like the door or whatever. Like they can't go to someplace they've never been or go to a place where like they they don't know the door to walk through. Like, where would you want to go?


PRINCESS: [00:40:27] Tokyo.


TESSA: [00:40:27] What would you use it for? Tokyo?


PRINCESS: [00:40:29] Yeah. Yes, I'm doing international travel only like and like not even letting you into Japan right now. So I like I have a little I'm like, I will find a Sailor Moon museum. I'll look, I'll just envision a Pokemon center door like the Pokémon Center Museum that they have there. And I'll just be like, What's good?


TESSA: [00:40:46] What I wanted to know is, like, with this anywhere key did you have to have personally, like seen the door or like been in a place or could you just, like, look it up online and like, in my mind, right? Right. Because it's like, if you find a specific door and it's like, okay, this is where I want to go. Like that is a game changer because then you can travel the world also if you have to go to work and you don't want to sit in L.A. traffic.


PRINCESS: [00:41:16] I could see you whenever! We could see each other, whatever we want.


TESSA: [00:41:18] That's what I'm saying. You can visit your friends, you could visit your family that you don't get to see as much. You can be like, I'm just going to use this and go through a door and, you know, have dinner with my mom or I'm going to do this. And so helpful.


PRINCESS: [00:41:32] Exactly. And you know what else? Zero carbon footprint, no fossil fuels, no coal. All right. We are this is environmentally friendly.


TESSA: [00:41:40] Yeah. You thought Elon Musk was trying to change the world. Absolutely not. This is ten times hotter.


PRINCESS: [00:41:47] Got nothing on these keys.


TESSA: [00:41:48] Got nothing on the keys. Sorry, honey. Can't. Can't compete with the Locke keys. And the next question that I have, so with the head key and the head key was one of my favorites. Oh, my God. This key was. Wild. I love this guy. So this one, like, creates an entry way into someone's minds that, like, it allows you to, like, view their memories. You could, like, even maybe alter them. You could also kind of like, see, like, see the entry way into their mind. And everyone's entry was a little different. And also you could like put things into them, into your like you could go into your own mind and like bring things and put it and then, you know, things I like. I this is the like as a Ravenclaw, this is like my dream key. Like, this key is so wild. So my question to you is, first of all, what would your mind palace key like entryway into your mind? Like what would it look like? Because everyone's looked a little different. So what would your look like?


PRINCESS: [00:42:49] Mine would definitely be like a sailor moon door. Like, it'd probably be like the. Like the thing would be like a little Sailor Moon thing. Definitely. Like, have all the little sturgeons. Like, Sailor Moon just happens to be a very huge part of my personality. So I think that is definitely like the ultimate doorway to my mind. What about you?


TESSA: [00:43:08] Oh, my. Gosh. I love that. I would definitely explore your mind.


PRINCESS: [00:43:12] Oh my god, thank you.


TESSA: [00:43:12] My entry way. So my brain is pretty chaotic. It's kind of a mess. It's almost like that SpongeBob episode where they're like running around his brain and they're like, What's the name? What's the name? And I can't find it anywhere. Like, That's, that's me whenever I'm trying to think of anything. So it would definitely be more chaotic. I almost feel like it would be like the room of Requirement and Harry Potter where it would it would change and it would be annoying because I wouldn't know where like everything is. And so I would have to like figure out and find the different things, but it would still like I would be able to do so, but it would just take me a second to take in my new surroundings and also it would like change to whatever, like my hyper fixation was at the moment. So it's like if I was like getting back into Harry Potter or reading it recently, it would be like more Hogwarts if I was, you know, like watching Stranger Things. They would like be themed with like all of the Christmas lights and like it would look like that. So I think it would be ever changing and definitely be an organizational nightmare, but very chaotic and fun. Next question that I have here. Getting back on track. If you can use the identity key to change your appearance, like would you change something about yourself? Or would you want to like change it to like look like someone? Like for me, I just want to be taller. Like I want to see like what it's like to be tall. I want to see, I want to, like, be able to change my hair, any color. I want to be able to, like, try out different tattoo placements on my body, see how it looks, erase them immediately. Like, I want to, like, I just want to I want to be a customizable Sim or a Barbie doll that I can just change everything all the time.


PRINCESS: [00:44:54] To me, the thing I would want to do is like, I just want to be able to have clothes that always look good on me and fit me no matter what. Like I want the perfect bathing suit, I think in terms of like like things I would change appearance wise. The list is so long. I think my top, my top three is I would make my hair longer. I would want a more defined jawline and I would also like to be just a little bit taller. That's really.


TESSA: [00:45:21] I just want to experience what Being taller is like I've just been so small for so long that I'm just like, I can never reach shit. Like, it's so annoying. Like, what is it like? You know, people like, how how's the weather down there? Like, I literally don't understand. Like, if you are up also, I'm kind of scared of heights. Like, would I be scared of myself? Like, I'm too high. I mean, I used to beat up this high, like, and I don't know. I don't know how I would function.


PRINCESS: [00:45:57] So I'm going to ask you one more thing about keys.


TESSA: [00:46:00] Okay.


PRINCESS: [00:46:01] If you had a key that could make it so that there would be multiple versions of you could get everything on your to do list done. But there was a risk that one of them might try to become the ultimate Tessa, would you take that risk just to get rid of all your tasks?


TESSA: [00:46:18] No, absolutely not. I would be defeated by Ultimate Tesla almost immediately. My. My clones would overtake me, become more powerful. My. I like Tesla would go Tesla. Any other version of me. Like all of these. Like all this multiverse stuff. I was, like, other versions of me are like, so friggin cool. Like, no way. Absolutely not. Like, I would be defeated immediately, so no, I would not take that. But that is really, really cool. And I know other people that could handle that better. Like Joe would take that. I think you could even handle it. I feel like you could defeat other versions of yourself.


PRINCESS: [00:46:53] Yes. Yeah, I know all my weaknesses.


TESSA: [00:46:56] Right. I was like you. I know people that could totally do that. Me know, I would get tricked by another version of myself. I'm too gullible, too nice. No way. One more big for me. Let's see the black door. If you didn't know, like, what was behind it and like, would you open it?


PRINCESS: [00:47:18] No.


TESSA: [00:47:18] No. So you would never even go near it.


PRINCESS: [00:47:21] So it's like it's just a random door in my house, but it just looks like it's like.


PRINCESS: [00:47:25] Well, no, no. So you have, like, a key to it, and you know that it's a key to that. But you don't know what the key does. You know what I mean? It's like you don't know what's going to happen. You don't know if it's going to be good. You don't know if there's going to be something bad. But it's like, do you take that risk, like, to see if something's good or bad or, you know, it's like ominous. Like, you're like, you know, magical.


PRINCESS: [00:47:43] I hate that. My first idea was like, I'm going to phone a friend. I will say, Hey, girl, you want to, like, see what's behind this door? Like, I, like, outsource. I'd be like I like, fin- find, like, an enemy of mine and be like, hey, remember how we weren't speaking with, like, we're speaking now, right? When I come over and, like, open this key to this key, this like, just turn it.


TESSA: [00:48:04] What if it  gives the enemy something really good. What if they get, like, wishes from a genie or some sort of thing that, like, you could have gotten if you opened it? You know what I mean? You don't know if the magic is a good energy or a bad energy like you just know it's magic.


PRINCESS: [00:48:17] Why do All my white friends want me to take risks. Like, why can't I? Why can't you accept that? Like, why can't you just. But you know what? I will open it. I'll open the door just because of this conversation. The next time I'm in a magic house and there's a random door, I'm going to open it. And whatever happens to me, that's on Tessa.


TESSA: [00:48:36] Okay it's my fault. It's my fault. I'll open the door for you. I'll open it, and then I'll bring you right next to me. So if something good happens, like we can both do it together. And if something bad happens, it's not like just your fault. It can. You could blame it on me as well.


PRINCESS: [00:48:51] And I can pull you out if it's, like, a serious thing, right? Buddy system.


TESSA: [00:48:55] Yeah, yeah, yeah. Buddy system. Well, we'll both do it together and we'll defeat the door.


PRINCESS: [00:49:01] Absolutely. Exactly. Because that's what makes the geeked podcast work. Because you know the drill. If you like us and you love us, follow us. And those of you who absolutely cannot get enough of us. Leave us a five star review. We will read them out loud on the show. Just do it. Do it.


TESSA: [00:49:21] Oh, and, you know, if you have some keys, you can throw throw them our way as well. Any magical keys? Just send them to us. We'll find them. Anyway. The Geeked podcast is hosted by me, Tessa Netting.


TESSA: [00:49:35] And me Princess Weekes. You can find me on the Internet, on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, anywhere at Tessa Netting.


PRINCESS: [00:49:43] And you can find me on YouTube as Princess Weekes and on Twitter as Weekes Princess. Next week we are going into the vault and discuss and possibly debate some of our all time Netflix faves. So this might be a time where Tessa and I don't agree on something much like our taste and Sherlock Holmes, but we shall see.


TESSA: [00:50:07] There is going to be a battle. Get ready.


PRINCESS: [00:50:10] Duh duh dun.


TESSA: [00:50:11] Can't wait.


PRINCESS: [00:50:12] This is a Netflix Geeked and Spoke media production.


TESSA: [00:50:15] Our executive producers are Keisha TK Dutes, Brigam Mosley, Alia Tavakolian and Keith Reynolds.


PRINCESS: [00:50:22] Kelly Kolff is our producer Reyes Mendoza is our associate producer. DaLaura Patton is our coordinating producer. Special thanks to Carson McCain.


TESSA: [00:50:30] Sound Design and Engineering by Evan Arnett, who also composed and performed our amazing original theme.


PRINCESS: [00:50:36] To stay updated on all things Geeked be sure to follow at Netflix Geeked on Twitter, Instagram and the Tik Toks. Thank you so much for listening. We love you. Bye.


TESSA: [00:50:48] Love you. Bye!


CLIP: [00:50:48] Geeked