The Geeked Podcast

Big Mouth S6: Hormone Monsters and Love Bugs UNITE!

Episode Summary

Tessa and Princess get down and dirty with season 6 of Big Mouth. They discuss all of the dirty jokes, heartfelt character developments, and even figure out their own Rice Purity Scores. Have any guesses? Listen to find out!

Episode Notes

Tessa and Princess get down and dirty with season 6 of Big Mouth. They discuss all of the dirty jokes, heartfelt character developments, and even figure out their own Rice Purity Scores. Have any guesses? Listen to find out! 

Episode Transcription

PRINCESS: [00:00:04] What's up, my emotional hormonal monsters, god does it suck to be us. I'm Princess Weekes. [00:00:10][5.9]

TESSA: [00:00:11] That's right. And I'm Tessa Netting. [00:00:13][1.8]

PRINCESS: [00:00:14] And you are listening to that podcast, your one stop shop for fandom conversations, pop culture analysis, media, and all the things we love. [00:00:23][9.8]

TESSA: [00:00:24] Each week we're going to skim the surface of what's popular in geek culture, then deep dive into the lore of a Netflix world bigger than our own. [00:00:30][6.4]

PRINCESS: [00:00:31] Today we're going through changes with season six of Big Mouth. [00:00:38][7.7]

TESSA: [00:00:39] Yes. So hype. Because somehow I just have not seen this show until now. And Princess is like, you're fine. Just go right into the season. It's okay. I'll catch you up. We're good. So I just watched this season raw. And let me tell you, it was great. I loved it. It was amazing. I can't wait to talk more about it. But before we get into that Princess, what has got you geeked this week? [00:01:05][26.1]

PRINCESS: [00:01:10] All right, darlings, this is Princess Weekes. You're getting a little peek behind the Wizard's curtain right now. So my beloved Tessa is out right now and busy, so I'm going to have to rant at you for a little bit about what's got me Geeked. But it's okay. Tessa's fine. I miss her more than you do, I promise. But yeah. So I'm going to talk about what's got me Geeked. Let's get into it. So the first thing that's Got Me Geeked this week is that I was able to see my beloved co-host Tessa Netting in a live performance of Spies Are Forever, which just got me super geeked because I was like, Look at my good friend being a theater kid. It was wonderful and fun. I also got to go to Magic 30 this weekend. I was already in Vegas because my friend Lindsey Ellis, her second book, came out in paperback and I got invited to go. So I got to just be around a lot of amazing cosplayers, a lot of amazing sets, play some commander very badly with people. So that was great. And then I got to rewatch in my home with popcorn at my own pace Guillermo del Toro's Cabinet of Curiosities again. And it was so fun to watch it with my partner because they kept jumping and being scared of things, especially the lot episode. So it was really fun to be able to share that and the autopsy with people. And then my partner is not as pop culture savvy, so she doesn't really know who Ben Barnes is. So when Ben Barnes appears in the episode, she's just kind of like, Oh, wow, that guy is cute. And I was like, Babe, you don't even know the half of it. You don't even know!. All right. And now time for Tessa and I to discuss the changes that we are going through with Big Mouth. All right. So we're back and let's discuss, Big Mouth. But first for our nevers and evers who may have never seen Big Mouth. It is an animated coming of age sitcom created by Andrew Goldberg, Nick Kroll, Mark Levin and Jennifer Flackett. It is all about these very young teens going through changes like puberty, and it is known for both being very relevant and topical and very good about not shaming people while talking about sex and everything, but also being probably the most vulgar thing you could ever watch with characters that look like terrifying rug rats. [00:03:48][157.7]

CLIP: [00:03:49] Oh, that's gross. Yeah, exactly. [00:03:50][1.7]

PRINCESS: [00:03:51] And it's. [00:03:51][0.2]

TESSA: [00:03:51] Oh, yes. [00:03:51][0.2]

PRINCESS: [00:03:52] And it's like but there are times where it's like, I cringe with just how realistic and how true that they bring these emotions to life. And then I also cringe with how, oh, my God, that was the grossest thing I've ever seen in my entire life. I can't turn away. So that's a big mouth. And you've got a lot of that in the sixth season. [00:04:10][18.3]

TESSA: [00:04:11] Oh yeah. I was like, Has it always been like this?? [00:04:15][3.8]

PRINCESS: [00:04:15] Oh it has always been like this and. [00:04:18][2.8]

TESSA: [00:04:20] Oh, man. I'm telling you, now that I've watched it, now I want to go back and rewatch the other five seasons because this was kind of one of the most perfect shows for me, because, listen, I need some shows that I can play in the background because I work a lot. I have a lot of things that I need to do so sometimes or when I'm making dinner, when things are happening and I don't want to listen to a podcast because usually I listen to podcasts, but if I want something on TV, it can't have a heavy plot. It needs to be like light and funny and be about the characters and be just like, put into this situation, put it in. This is the perfect, perfect show for that. And it's one of those shows where it's all about the characters. It's all about each episode by episode. You don't have to like, I got to just watch this in the sixth season and I was fine. You know, I may have missed a couple of jokes or something, but it's not something that I need to fully give my undivided attention where so many of these fantasy shows are, so many shows that I'm watching these days, it's like I just have to sit down and give it my whole ass brain and bitch. I need to relax sometimes, I need to just enjoy it. I just need to have it on and laugh. And this is perfect. [00:05:34][74.0]

PRINCESS: [00:05:34] No, it was funny because I wrote Tessa up like a little shit about who's who. I have to look up anything because I was just like, Oh, yeah, this character is the horny one lady. And I felt like I did a very good job because you did. But what? Tell me about some of your first impressions about the show having just seen this sixth season and any particular moments that stuck out for you. You're like, Oh my God, they did that. Because I feel like that is that's part of the big mouth experience is being like, wow, they really did that shit. [00:06:02][28.1]

TESSA: [00:06:03] I mean, the first thing that I just died of laughter and loved and it kept happening over and over were the musical numbers. [00:06:10][7.6]

PRINCESS: [00:06:11] Oh, yeah. Oh, my God. [00:06:12][1.0]

TESSA: [00:06:13] Because I wasn't expecting it because again, I had never seen this. So and they just went into a full ass musical number and it was so funny and ridiculous and like and not just like a little part. It was a full song. I'm like, Bless, God bless. I love this because that's hard. That is hard to do. That's hard to record. So it's like that. When people do that, I respect them and if they do it well like this does, hell yeah. [00:06:39][25.8]

CLIP: [00:06:40] When you're gay, every day is a nonstop cabaret. You've got style and flair. You're loved everywhere. Seven North Carolina. [00:06:50][10.0]

TESSA: [00:06:52] Ten out of ten. So that was one of the things that I was very impressed by. Another thing that was just so disgusting but so funny, were just these hormone monsters. I was like, at first, I'm like, What is this? Like, I didn't know what it was. It took me like an episode, like until the end of the episode to be like, Oh, I see. Because I was like, Is this an alien? Like, I don't know what this is. [00:07:16][23.9]

CLIP: [00:07:17] Did someone say vagina? Oh, no, no, not now. Again, Go away you are not real. You're just some hormone monster my brain created. If I'm not real, then how come I'm sending blood to your sweet penis right now? [00:07:32][15.3]

TESSA: [00:07:33] But no, it was your hormones, which is hilarious. And I. It's just such a good idea. It's such a good idea. And it's so, like you said, it's so vulgar. [00:07:44][10.9]

PRINCESS: [00:07:45] It's so it just goes there. [00:07:46][1.5]

TESSA: [00:07:47] It does work. I mean, sometimes you think back and you're like, Damn, I didn't even, like, have this conversation with my parents, or I had to just kind of, like, figure this out. [00:07:57][10.3]

PRINCESS: [00:07:58] Absolutely. Like, for me, the episode with that where Jesse gets a yeast infection. Oh, the vagina shame episode. I was like, never. I'm like, literally will never change. Like, that episode was just, like, one of the most perfect. Like what? I heard you talk to her vagina. You know, that you're in for, like, some, like, horrific moments of, like, that's a vagina with a mouth and eyes, but then also like, but I wish that my vagina and I could talk to each other like this, right? [00:08:27][28.2]

TESSA: [00:08:27] Exactly. Like I want hormone monsters. Like I want, like, you know, it'd be great if my body could talk to me, so I could be like, Hello? What's happening? [00:08:35][8.0]

PRINCESS: [00:08:36] Yeah, it was just. It was. It was fun getting to see that because I just thought about it like, yeah, getting your first yeast infection especially if you have no idea what that is, it's terrifying like, right? And there is nothing more painful than needing to itch your own vagina. Like, it's like it's shameful. It's it's thing. And it's also just normalizing a little bit. Everyone's blood looks differently, like I feel like I'm better for it. And then I also loved the storyline of Missy and her new love interest, who is asexual, which I thought was so fun because I am someone who also has an asexual partner. So it was great hearing that done and then having his auntie be like, Yeah, I'm very wealthy, I'm very rich. I love a lot of people, but I have the best credit score of everybody in this house. And I'm like, That's right. I love it. It was so good. [00:09:24][48.1]

TESSA: [00:09:26] Yeah, it was very excellent. And there was the Freaky Friday. [00:09:30][4.6]

PRINCESS: [00:09:31] Oh, yeah. [00:09:32][0.2]

TESSA: [00:09:32] Two parter at the end. I'm like, This is ridiculous. This is like frickin. [00:09:37][4.8]

PRINCESS: [00:09:38] Nathan Fillion. [00:09:39][0.2]

TESSA: [00:09:39] Yes. I looked this up because I was like, why is this Nathan Fillion here? And apparently it's like a joke that has been happening on the show or something. [00:09:46][6.7]

PRINCESS: [00:09:46] Oh, yeah. So, like, this is like a super nerd who is obsessed with Nathan Fillion because it was. [00:09:51][5.2]

TESSA: [00:09:52] Yeah. And so we all. [00:09:53][1.3]

PRINCESS: [00:09:54] So every time she, like, masturbates or does anything, she does it thinking about the her Nathan Fillion. Just like doing stuff. [00:10:00][6.7]

CLIP: [00:10:01] You are so beautiful, missy. May I kiss you with my mouth? Of course Nathan Fillion. Oh, right. [00:10:09][8.3]

PRINCESS: [00:10:10] And so, like. And he's into it. I mean, it's a great it's great for the brand just being like, yeah, I am the most desirable. So it's it is fun seeing that happen. [00:10:20][10.0]

TESSA: [00:10:20] Yeah. And I was just thinking like watching this, they have to have some fucking funny ass writers on this show because this is funny. Like, this is something where you're not just, like, throwing out gross jokes. Like, these jokes are good. [00:10:36][15.0]

PRINCESS: [00:10:36] Yeah. I think with this season, especially the storyline between Andrew and his parents, it was like, Oh, wow. Like, he's actually like his father and his mom. I should try to like. I thought that was cute. Of course they got. Of course, in big mouth fashion, it's a moment we think, oh, my God, he's going to have sex with his own mother in his father's body. And you're like, Oh, but then it stopped. Yeah. Thank you, God. [00:10:56][20.1]

TESSA: [00:10:58] God bless. Thank you. I was like, oh, my God, I don't know if I can handle this. Yeah, come on. Like, Game of Thrones is enough. No more, no more. [00:11:04][6.9]

PRINCESS: [00:11:06] And we only let that slide because of Matt Smith. Yeah. [00:11:09][3.3]

TESSA: [00:11:10] Exactly. [00:11:10][0.0]

PRINCESS: [00:11:10] That's really that's the only reason why. But yeah, that was a really fun storyline. I just feel like everyone really got to do something really fun. And then, yeah, the list episode, so I had no idea what that was. I was like, What is this list? And so I typed it in and apparently it's a whole thing. But I think that, you know, we're both too old for it because, like, our producer was amazing. Oh, the test. Yeah, the test. And, like, our producer was like, oh, we did that. And we're both like, I have no idea. [00:11:38][27.5]

TESSA: [00:11:40] Yeah, the rice purity test. I had never heard of that in my life. I mean. [00:11:44][4.2]

PRINCESS: [00:11:44] Yeah, me too. I was like, What is this? And then I took I was taking the test and I sent it to you as the episode was playing. And I'm just like, Oh, this really is this is real. So do we want to tell each other what we got on our tests? [00:11:57][12.3]

TESSA: [00:11:57] Because I took I so yeah, Princess texted me this quiz and I'm like, oh fun. Because, you know, I love a good I love a good quiz. It's, I don't know the Virgo Hogwarts House girl and I'm like, Oh, a personality quiz. [00:12:12][14.9]

PRINCESS: [00:12:13] Everything is Pottermore, right? [00:12:14][1.4]

TESSA: [00:12:15] I'm like, Let's do it. This was the most ridiculous thing I've ever taken. I was dying at some of these questions. I was like. And also I was like, Do I is this right? Did I just answer this wrong? I'm like, I don't know. [00:12:27][11.9]

PRINCESS: [00:12:28] Absolutely. So for a context of the rice purity test is like 100 questions asking you about like various things ranging your from like things that are illegal and weird. [00:12:36][8.2]

TESSA: [00:12:37] Yeah. It's like, have you committed a crime yet? [00:12:39][1.9]

PRINCESS: [00:12:39] Have you taken hard drugs, have taken marijuana, have you taken hard drugs? And then like definitely things like I remember looking at it, at my score, and being like, What's wrong with me? Then I'm like, No, princess, you're 30 and you live in New York. Like,. [00:12:53][14.3]

TESSA: [00:12:54] So true. [00:12:55][0.4]

PRINCESS: [00:12:55] My score ended up being a 33, which I feel like was which is like this is what they said. This is why I felt shame. It said this range of scores is reserved for this super hardcore people. Like the people who have been in orgies or in jail. [00:13:12][16.6]

TESSA: [00:13:13] What?? [00:13:13][0.0]

PRINCESS: [00:13:13] One example you probably used a hard drug before or had sex in public or had anal sex, etc.. Moral limit is never a problem for you in life. Now, first of all, I think it is very. [00:13:26][12.5]

TESSA: [00:13:29] What is that fucking thing?!? [00:13:29][0.1]

PRINCESS: [00:13:29] I look it's like used the hard drug before, or had sex in public or had anal sex. It's 2022. Everybody has anal sex now. So I don't even know why they're trying to be like, it's one of these three things. I'm like, No, no, no, no. [00:13:41][12.1]

TESSA: [00:13:41] No, no, princess, not everybody. We live in Los Angeles and New York. So we have probably had some experiences that some people have not had. [00:13:53][11.3]

PRINCESS: [00:13:53] Which I respect, and it's fine, but I just felt like they're like, You've done hard drugs. Like, No, I've never had anything stronger than weed. Just and I've never been to jail. I've never been arrested. I just, you know, but I am black so I've spoken to the police. So it was just kind of a thing where I'm like, You know what? Yeah. I'm a 33 because I have lived. God damn it. [00:14:13][20.7]

TESSA: [00:14:14] Hey, I don't think you should be ashamed of being a 33, and I think that their whatever it is, description is bullshit. [00:14:21][7.3]

PRINCESS: [00:14:22] It's over the top! [00:14:23][0.3]

TESSA: [00:14:23] That's stupid. Listen, I think that's fine. I, I got a 35 so. [00:14:29][6.0]

PRINCESS: [00:14:29] That's what my girlfriend got! [00:14:29][0.1]

TESSA: [00:14:30] Look at, you know, hey, that's the theater kid score. Theater kid Score is 35. So if anyone is listening and you're a theater kid, your score is 35. But the description is also very funny. It's like you are a little special. [00:14:45][14.8]

PRINCESS: [00:14:46] Yeah. [00:14:46][0.0]

TESSA: [00:14:47] People who receive scores that fall into this range are probably a huge fan of cult movies. You are always looking for thrills in life, which might sometimes even get you into trouble. I'm like, But look at my description compared to yours. Like what the hell?? [00:15:03][16.6]

PRINCESS: [00:15:04] Oh, it's like you are. You just like to watch, you know, Breakfast at Tiffany's, even though it's got problematic stuff in it. With me, it's like, Well, you must have been into hardcore bondage. And it's like, Well, what if I was, God damn it? [00:15:15][10.6]

TESSA: [00:15:16] But we're not like, you're 33. I'm a 35. That's not that far off. [00:15:20][4.0]

PRINCESS: [00:15:20] But they were like they were like, it's kind of like how like there's a difference between like a 69 a and a 70 is like about like it's a very it's not that big of a difference, but it matters to your parents. [00:15:31][10.9]

TESSA: [00:15:32] It's like an Xbone. And it's like, listen, this is the cut off. It's like, listen, honey, you have to get out of here for a year and go bang. Some people. [00:15:43][10.8]

PRINCESS: [00:15:44] Liquid said break up with your boyfriend because I'm bored like. [00:15:47][2.7]

TESSA: [00:15:47] Do some crimes. There is so many crime questions. I was like, what is this? [00:15:51][4.0]

PRINCESS: [00:15:51] But it was all very specific. Like, Have you been or have you been handcuffed? And I was like, by the police, right? [00:15:57][5.4]

TESSA: [00:15:57] No, I thought the same thing! I thought the same thing! I was like, Well, I like those questions where I'm like, Well, I don't know, maybe. And then it's like. And then it shows like, how many people said yes or no? And then, like, everybody says no. And I said, Yeah, sort of like, Oh, well, I. [00:16:15][17.9]

PRINCESS: [00:16:15] That's how I felt for something then because like I said, check yes for anal, and they were like, Well, that's very rare. I'm like, I don't think so. [00:16:21][6.1]

TESSA: [00:16:22] That cannot be true. They're lying. They're like, lying. [00:16:25][3.3]

PRINCESS: [00:16:26] Stolen valor. [00:16:27][0.5]

TESSA: [00:16:27] I don't listen. The proposal loophole was a big one in Pennsylvania. So I mean, no, that's. [00:16:33][6.0]

PRINCESS: [00:16:34] Like I think I think someone said it in the in the show is like we we only had anal sex the Catholic way. Yes. And like. That's exactly right. [00:16:42][8.8]

TESSA: [00:16:43] Correct. That's just saying they're lying. [00:16:46][2.5]

PRINCESS: [00:16:46] I feel like because also we came of sexual maturity in the oughts weren't like the butt sex stigma was just going away and it was like, oh yeah, girls, we're not doing butt stuff, it's like, are you even breathing? [00:16:58][11.4]

TESSA: [00:16:58] True. [00:16:58][0.0]

PRINCESS: [00:16:59] And it's like everyone should do what they feel comfortable with. There is no real such thing as actual purity. But it was just funny about how like. [00:17:07][7.8]

TESSA: [00:17:08] Oh yeah. [00:17:08][0.3]

PRINCESS: [00:17:08] At first I was like, I took it very personally, but I was like, You know what? Who cares? I'm grown. [00:17:12][4.0]

TESSA: [00:17:14] Now. I need Joe to take this quiz. Joe if you're listening to this, remind me to send this to you. [00:17:18][4.5]

PRINCESS: [00:17:19] I'll text you. I'll be like don't forget to give Joe the quiz. [00:17:20][1.7]

TESSA: [00:17:21] Oh, my God. I need to know this is too funny. [00:17:23][2.2]

PRINCESS: [00:17:24] He'll be like, I'm 25. [00:17:24][0.7]

TESSA: [00:17:25] Just know it's like you're a sinner. You're going to hell. [00:17:28][3.5]

PRINCESS: [00:17:29] And he's like, dope. [00:17:30][0.5]

TESSA: [00:17:31] He's like, Well. What are you going to do? [00:17:32][1.3]

PRINCESS: [00:17:32] Yeah. [00:17:32][0.0]

TESSA: [00:17:33] But yeah, that was hilarious. Didn't know that existed. Now I do. [00:17:36][2.9]

PRINCESS: [00:17:38] Yeah. The fact that Jay got like a 22, I was like, whatever. I was like, Oh, that's. Jay is a character that I struggled with for a long time because I just say because I love that he's bi. I love that he's like chaotic, bisexual. But then he was really out here like fucking turkeys and pillows, and I was just sitting here like my brother in Christ like this, but then he finally sexually mature to be on sleeping with pillows, like his relationship with Matthew and I'm like, look at this growth for you. [00:18:03][25.7]

TESSA: [00:18:04] So do you like them together? [00:18:05][1.0]

PRINCESS: [00:18:06] I'm I it's so before he was dating Matthew, he was dating Lola. [00:18:10][4.4]

TESSA: [00:18:11] And they were like, Oh, my God. [00:18:12][1.1]

PRINCESS: [00:18:12] It's so chaotic. And I did love them. I feel like they would have been a very cute throuple by the end of this season. They really sold me kind of on Matthew and Jay, and I'm like, This is kind of cute. I love that. He's like, I want my barbaric boyfriend to be the absolute worst so I'm breaking up with them. I'm like, That's beautiful. [00:18:30][17.9]

TESSA: [00:18:33] They were cute at the end, but it was one of those things where I loved his character. I thought it was like he was so ridiculous and so out there, and I loved that he was just like, you know, he's like yeah I've had sex with everything. You're the horniest one. And his character and John Mulaney's character were my favorite. [00:18:50][17.6]

PRINCESS: [00:18:51] Andrew Yeah. Oh, my. [00:18:52][0.8]

TESSA: [00:18:52] God. Yeah, because they were the most ridiculous. They're the ones that were doing, you know, the most out there had the craziest lines, the craziest setups, the craziest situations. Because like Nick Kroll's character-- [00:19:03][10.9]

PRINCESS: [00:19:03] Yeah, he's like the everyman character, but like, he's so weird to me, but like, his parents, really. I really loved his parents this season. [00:19:10][6.5]

TESSA: [00:19:12] Oh I love his parents too! [00:19:12][0.2]

PRINCESS: [00:19:12] I was like I was like, oh, god, is this Tessa and Joe as parents? I just like her essence. I just like I was like, Oh, God. [00:19:20][8.3]

TESSA: [00:19:23] No, I love the parents. All the parents stuff was so funny. Like, I. [00:19:26][3.6]

PRINCESS: [00:19:26] Had a really good time with it. [00:19:27][0.9]

TESSA: [00:19:27] Which I appreciate too, because a lot of times also in these shows, in these animated shows, they'll like just focus on like the kids or on the main cast and then the side like characters they don't care about so much. This like reminded me of South Park in that way because like to me like freaking, you know, the parents are some of the funniest parts of South Park. So it's like I feel like with this as well it's like the parents are some of the funniest have like some of the funniest jokes the funniest just sort of like interactions. [00:19:56][28.6]

PRINCESS: [00:19:57] Mm. [00:19:57][0.0]

TESSA: [00:19:58] Oh, so good. [00:19:59][1.4]

PRINCESS: [00:20:00] It was really good. [00:20:00][0.3]

TESSA: [00:20:01] So. Funny. [00:20:01][0.1]

PRINCESS: [00:20:02] I loved like the part where Missy finally talks to her mom, Chelsea Peretti, about her period. And she's like, My mother slapped me across the face, God rest her soul. She was a terrible person. I was just like. [00:20:14][12.5]

TESSA: [00:20:15] God, they're so good. They're all so good. Like, not only are they just funny, but they're like, good at voice acting too. It's the best, I love it. [00:20:24][8.3]

PRINCESS: [00:20:24] They're good at voice acting. They're good at, like, explaining, like, gender stuff and sexuality without seeming preachy, but very much like they know how to balance that, like education plus the, like, vulgarity of South Park. It feels like a great throughline of all the like, sex comedies that we've grown up with that we're like animated. It feels like this is like the apex of all of those, but like, actually cares like, I think like South Park is so defined by cynicism, right? Whereas big mouth is really in my mind defined by this desire for connection. That's why, like that, it's always like shame versus like friendship or like, you know. [00:21:02][38.8]

TESSA: [00:21:03] Oh, it's sweet. Yeah. This show is like it has definitely like a even though it has this hard, like, outside of being, like, so vulgar. Yeah, yeah. So vulgar. It has such a sweet is like the heart of it is so pure and so nice. And that's it's that's why I really liked it was because you really do fall in love with these characters and you're just like, Oh, they're just, they're just growing up. It's hard. I feel you. [00:21:31][28.9]

PRINCESS: [00:21:32] Like as someone who has been watching it, it was really fun to watch Jessie, to watch her character go from someone who was so like when she got through puberty, her whole thing, like, I'm fighting with my mom, me and my mom are enemies to like not just connecting with her step mom, her younger step mom, but also learning to see her mom as a person. And I feel like they finally got like if there was a season of character development, it was for this. Like everyone kind of grew a little bit. Except, you know, Andrew. But then his parents got together so it was fine. But it was fun seeing those little changes. And like, again, the show manages to, like, make you root for the connection between everyone, even on their worst. So I'm sure. So I just I really enjoyed watching it this season. It was it was a very good season of of Big Mouth. [00:22:25][53.1]

TESSA: [00:22:25] How did it compare to the other seasons that you've...? [00:22:28][2.2]

PRINCESS: [00:22:28] I think that last season was a little bit like up and down. I think every season has like episodes where I'm like, oh, that was a lot. And I'm like, there was one episode where it was some period and it was just like, if I think about it, I want to gag like, that's how, like, intense it was. [00:22:44][15.8]

TESSA: [00:22:45] Oh, no! [00:22:45][0.4]

PRINCESS: [00:22:46] It was. [00:22:46][0.2]

TESSA: [00:22:46] I can't wait to watch it. [00:22:48][1.4]

PRINCESS: [00:22:48] You'll know. You'll know what it is. [00:22:50][1.7]

TESSA: [00:22:50] I'll know. I'll text you. You know, I said this part, I'll be like, Yeah. [00:22:53][3.2]

PRINCESS: [00:22:54] But I definitely feel like this was the strong, stronger than last season. But I still love it. I think that like this and season two and three are still my favorites. Like those are some of my favorite ones. [00:23:07][12.7]

TESSA: [00:23:07] Nice because I was going to say this was so solid. Like the whole season was very well done. There weren't any episodes that were big like bores because sometimes when it comes to these types of shows, because you're not following a plot, sometimes they're like, Let's try this, let's do this, let's do that. And sometimes if you do too much of that, you get lost or you just like, but this I think because of what you said, because you are like there with the characters rooting for their relationship. It feels real in that way. It kind of grounds. It grounds it a little bit. [00:23:41][33.9]

PRINCESS: [00:23:41] Yeah, it grounds everything and it really just kind of like allows you to like follow through and just go go with it because there are so many times where it's so hard to like just kind of go with something. But this one, this season I think was a really good one for me to come into. So I was really excited to talk to you about it, and now, and now we have to figure out which department you're going to be a part of. [00:24:05][23.5]

TESSA: [00:24:05] Oh, my gosh. All right. So what are the departments? [00:24:10][4.9]

PRINCESS: [00:24:11] Okay, so there are a lot of different departments, but the big characters are that there are hormone monsters, which are the ones that aid through puberty. [00:24:19][7.8]

TESSA: [00:24:19] Right, yes. [00:24:20][1.2]

PRINCESS: [00:24:20] There are the shame wizards, which are the ones that shame me for all different kinds of things. [00:24:27][6.8]

TESSA: [00:24:28] Oh God. [00:24:28][0.3]

PRINCESS: [00:24:29] And you will love because that character appears in, I think, season two and it's Remus Lupin. It's David Jules. Yes. So he plays a bisexual, shame monster. So you're going to love it. It's going to be great. [00:24:43][14.1]

TESSA: [00:24:44] The way that this man is just hopping into my life lately and in my fanfiction. So bless you, sir. [00:24:53][8.4]

PRINCESS: [00:24:53] God bless. And he's bisexual, so we can finally have the Remus. [00:24:56][2.4]

TESSA: [00:24:56] Oh my god. [00:24:57][0.4]

PRINCESS: [00:24:57] with Sirius fanfiction that we wanted exactly. There is the depression kitty which. [00:25:01][4.4]

TESSA: [00:25:02] Oh god. [00:25:02][0.3]

TESSA: [00:25:03] Which represents depression and she makes people feel sad and unmotivated to work. There is the anxiety mosquito which will come and basically just tell you all your worst fears in your ear. [00:25:13][10.0]

PRINCESS: [00:25:16] Oh. This just the basics. And then finally you have the ambition gremlin, which is. Oh, no, no, no. Actually, that only shows up in one thing we're gonna do the love bugs, which you saw in the season. They're the ones that, like, want to make you fall in love and build connection. So it's between being a hormone monster, a shame wizard, a depression kitty, an anxiety mosquito or a love bug. [00:25:42][25.2]

TESSA: [00:25:43] Okay, this is a lot of information now. [00:25:46][3.5]

PRINCESS: [00:25:47] I'm so sorry. [00:25:47][0.4]

TESSA: [00:25:48] No, I got it. I got it. I got it. But it's one of those things where I definitely think that some of these things live inside me because I because I'm, like, thinking about it. And I was like, oh, yeah, I definitely have anxiety mosquito and oh, yeah, I definitely have depression. You know, whatever. Wizard, shame, wizard. I have the shame wizard is there the shame wizard. Like because I am very mean to myself. Yeah, but. But would I be a shame wizard? Absolutely not. I'm like the opposite. I'm. I love, like, rooting. I'm the hype woman of, like, my friend group always like I'm always. My favorite thing is like seeing people that I love, like, do well because I just. I don't know what it is. It's something where when they're happy, it makes be happy. And I feel like it breeds more happiness. And like when good things happen, more good things happen. So it's like if you I feel like it's an energy thing. If you ride the good energy, then more good things happen to you rather than like the other way. Like if you try to, like if you're jealous, like that's why I like I never get jealous, never do that. So I can't I don't think I could give someone negativity. I think that happens to me personally, but I don't think I could do that as a monster. I think it'd be horrible at it. I'd be like, Sorry, I am too nice. Yeah, it's biggest flaw. So I think I would either be a love bug or a hormone monster. Because--. [00:27:08][80.2]

PRINCESS: [00:27:08] You're a hormone monster -- [00:27:09][0.1]

TESSA: [00:27:10] I'm. I think I am a hormone monster because listen I talk about, like, sex a lot. [00:27:17][6.1]

PRINCESS: [00:27:18] Listen, you're a 35. We get it. You've lived! Not as, not as much as me and our 33's. But you are. [00:27:25][7.4]

TESSA: [00:27:27] 35. I'm not 35 yet. [00:27:28][1.7]

PRINCESS: [00:27:29] No, I meant your score, not your age. [00:27:30][1.5]

TESSA: [00:27:31] So I was like, I'm 35. I guess I could be. [00:27:34][3.2]

PRINCESS: [00:27:34] Girl, you know, you still look 22. [00:27:36][1.2]

TESSA: [00:27:36] I forget my age all the time. I have no idea how old I am. It's embarrassing. My mom used to, like, forget her age and I used to be like, How could you do that? I have to, like, count the years. It's embarrassing. [00:27:47][11.0]

PRINCESS: [00:27:48] And we lost years to come. And no, I meant like, your purity score was 35 and mine was 33. So like, we're in that, we're in that, we like to enjoy ourselves sections. [00:27:55][7.3]

TESSA: [00:27:56] Also, I love making jokes about that. I would be a hormone monster for sure. Actually, it's obvious. Yes, hormone monster it is. Let's do it. [00:28:07][10.2]

PRINCESS: [00:28:07] And you know what? I love that for you. I definitely think that I would be a love bug. Oh, I love the idea. Like I love, I love, love. And while, like, I think there's a part of me that's very hormone monster-y, but I do love just seeing romance bloom. I love, like seeing people make connections and meet their soulmate and be happy. Like, I really love that, that bullshit. Like, I just love, love. [00:28:32][25.6]

TESSA: [00:28:34] Oh, I love that. That's so sweet. You're just a little love bug trying to help people fall in love. [00:28:41][6.9]

PRINCESS: [00:28:42] Yeah, I just. I especially if you're going to be the hormone monster this way, it'd be like, I love it. All right, like, you know, what's that show where it's like, the odd couple is just like, she's a hormone monster and she a love bug. Together, we're geeked! [00:28:54][12.3]

TESSA: [00:28:57] Yeah, exactly. Exactly. You know what? I think it works. So. [00:29:01][4.0]

PRINCESS: [00:29:02] Nailed it. [00:29:03][0.5]

TESSA: [00:29:03] Yes. Let's see. I need to do a one more thing. My one more thing is, um, if you take the purity test and you get a score and it shames you and your answer and the answer, do not take that the wrong way. Everyone should be able to be as kinky as they want if you're not doing anything illegal. Yeah, like I don't because they mentioned the crime stuff, but it's like, don't do crimes. Guys like, you know, be gay, don't do actual crimes, but like-- [00:29:45][41.5]

PRINCESS: [00:29:47] Don't do crimes that harm other people. [00:29:48][0.9]

TESSA: [00:29:48] True. Yes. Like don't hurt like, you know what I mean? Just like but other than that, y'all, you can be as kinky as you want. Read that fanfic. Like do that stuff that makes, if it makes you feel happy. If it makes you feel good, do it. It's your life, it's your body. It's whatever you want to do. And I hate when people shame people because I'm like, who cares? It's not you. It's not like you're being forced. You're being forced to do it. No, like stop, I hate when people police other people for anything. And then if it's like things that they love, like if it's, you know, ships or kinks or whatever, I'm like, get out of here. [00:30:25][36.6]

PRINCESS: [00:30:25] Right. [00:30:25][0.0]

TESSA: [00:30:26] You're not involved. [00:30:26][0.4]

PRINCESS: [00:30:27] Exactly. [00:30:27][0.0]

TESSA: [00:30:28] You're not a part of this. [00:30:29][0.8]

PRINCESS: [00:30:29] And there's no such thing as purity. Like, you know, you can you can be as kinky as you want and be a fucking angel, and you can be someone who has never, who is not interested in sex at all and still be a douchebag. So, like, please do not internalize things like numbers or body counts. They they are meaningless. Just make sure you take care of yourself, get tested and be happy. All right? You guys know the drill. If you like us, follow us. You can find the key podcast wherever you listen to podcasts. And for those of you who absolutely cannot get enough of us, let us with a five star review and we will read it on the air. [00:31:04][35.3]

TESSA: [00:31:05] Yes, the Geeked Podcast is hosted by me, Tessa Netting [00:31:08][3.0]

PRINCESS: [00:31:09] And me Princess Weekes. [00:31:09][0.6]

TESSA: [00:31:10] You can find me on TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, on the internet, everywhere. All at once. Everywhere and everything. Everywhere, all at once @TessaNetting. [00:31:20][9.5]

PRINCESS: [00:31:20] I love that. Every Tessa, everywhere, all at once[00:31:22][2.6]

TESSA: [00:31:24] Every Tessa. Oh my God. [00:31:25][0.5]

PRINCESS: [00:31:25] And you can find me every princess, everywhere at Princess Weekes, on YouTube and on Twitter @WeekesPrincess. Next week we are covering the long awaited Enola Holmes 2. And Tessa and I will finally have our Sherlock off. [00:31:41][16.0]

TESSA: [00:31:42] Oh, shit! [00:31:43][0.5]

PRINCESS: [00:31:43] I can't wait. This is years since we have been, this has been a season in the making guys can't wait. [00:31:52][9.3]

TESSA: [00:31:53] But what are we supposed to do? Because there's another Sherlock here. Should we? Should I be fighting for Henry Cavill? [00:31:59][5.7]

PRINCESS: [00:32:00] We can. We can say that whichever Sherlock we think wins, and we'll have Kelly, our producer, be the one to pick it, and then whoever is the best Sherlock gets to date henry Cavill Sherlock. We'll just do it like that. The prize is Henry Cavill Sherlock. [00:32:14][14.1]

TESSA: [00:32:14] As as it should be. That makes sense. Love it. Okay. Yes. I cannot wait for that. We'll see who the best Sherlock is. [00:32:23][8.2]

PRINCESS: [00:32:23] This is a Netflix geeked and Spoke Media production. [00:32:26][2.5]

TESSA: [00:32:27] Kelly Kolff is our producer. Reyes Mendoza is our associate producer. DaLaura Patton is our coordinating producer and a special thanks to Carson McCain. [00:32:33][5.6]

PRINCESS: [00:32:34] Sound Design and Engineering by Evan Arnett, who also composed and performed our original theme. [00:32:38][4.6]

TESSA: [00:32:39] Our executive producers are Keisha TK Dutes, Brigham Mosley, Alia Tavakolian and Keith Reynolds. [00:32:44][5.1]

PRINCESS: [00:32:45] To stay updated on all things geeked, be sure to follow us @NetflixGeeked on Twitter, Instagram and the tiktoks. [00:32:51][5.9]

TESSA: [00:32:51] Thank you so much for listening. I hope your hormones treat you right, goodbye! [00:32:51][0.0]
